The weather has simply not been able to make a decision recently - should we have proper spring weather or keep it a little on the wintry side? The wind has swung around so it is blowing in from the north, making it bitingly cold, and on days where there is no wind there has been low mist and drizzle. It does make everything look very mystical:
All this weather is not helping me in my preparations for Scotland's Knitting Only Show due to be held in Perth next Saturday, 15th May, at Perth Racecourse, but I am managing to get quite a lot dyed up for the show, so make sure you come along and see what offerings I have.
And talking about decisions, this week is a huge week for the local group that has been working on the application to the Village SOS programme. A bid has gone in to redevelop our now unused Fisherman's Mission building. We will hear whether or not the bid has been successful on Monday between 12.00 noon and 2.00pm. A small group of very dedicated people have put in hours and hours into this application, and they alone deserve to succeed in their bid. But not only that - it would be just fantastic for the area as a whole. If you click on the Village SOS link you can see the video that was made if you look at the video made about the Assynt bid. It is under "Assynt Community Association". Obviously by now decisions have been made by the powers that be, but it may be worth keeping fingers crossed just in case it helps. I'll let you know the outcome on Monday evening.
one reaction
1 From Irene - 09/05/2010, 08:54