Stevan here - Helen's festing wool today again, but she did send a picture of her stand.  I'm sure she'll give you more details when she gets back, but here's what it looked like at the start:-

Ripples at Woolfest

Helen doesn't know I've given you a sneak look at the stand, so don't tell her, or I'll be in trouble again, the normal state for a crafty hubby:-

Helen: You 've been previous haven't you?  I was saving that picture for when I came back.

Stevan: <crestfallen> I thought the peeps what couldn't come to Woolfest would like to see it.

Helen: Go to the corner.  Now!  Go to the corner and have a think about what you've done.

Stevan: <shuffles off>  I'll go and have a little think about what I've done.

Helen: And don't put that hangdog look on your face.

Stevan: But I'm so good at it.

Not really, of course.  She says the first day went well, though it started slowly, and amazingly she said last evening that she not run out of energy - she's been working so hard for this event, and then had the 400-odd mile trip to get there.  I suppose that's the advantage of doing something you really enjoy.  As the South African author, Lawrence Green, said in the title of one of his books, "A Decent Fellow Doesn't Work," meaning that if you love what you do, it's not really work.

Regarding my little bits for Ripples Crafts, Helen's shop website is looking good to be fully on line this coming week.  I hope you're enjoying both the new look to Helen's blog and the new shop at   Has anyone noticed the changed to the little favicon in the URL bar for the blog?  Any suggestions for a better icon?
