We've been having a spell of beautiful weather, and so Stevan and the dogs have been making the most of it by ranging far and wide in the hills that are to be found near our home.   Today's walk turned into something rather special, and I'm sorry I wasn't there too, but unfortunately the good weather brings in the tourists and visitors, so the visitor centre has to be wo-manned.
It was a warm day, and so the dogs took every opportunity to cool off in the many lochs along the way:


And of course, any self respecting Westie has to take the time to have a really, really good roll:



Once the rolling was over, Peggy spotted something which took them all by surprise.  Just metres away from where Lexie had been rolling, there was this:


Want a closer view?


Clearly it's Mum had gone off for a feed, and told it to lie still, no matter what.  Fortunately as soon as Peggy spotted it, Stevan called her and she came immediately, and they all left the little creature in peace.  But isn't it beautiful.  The markings are lovely, and it looks like it has quite a lot of growing to do if it's ever to be big enough for its ears.

The anticipation for Woolfest continues to grow.   As soon as I've had a chance I'll take a couple of photo's to show you a few items that will be going with me.