She soon realised, though, that she may be missing an opportunity to enjoy the view, and soon turned her back on the sheep, but not before she'd carefully curled her tail around a couple:

Two beautiful goats crept into the flock, but the 13 sheep didn't seem to mind too much. They are just lovely. A very special thank you to Isaac for making them, for Gilly for acting as official buyer for Ripples Crafts, and to Roger for carefully looking after the flock on their journey over Africa back to the UK. I will be selling half on the first day of Woolfest, and half on the second, and any left over after the event will be sold on the website. And the 13th sheep? Well, there are special plans for him, but you'll need to be at the sheep auction at Woolfest to find out his destiny.
7 reactions
1 From Amanda - 30/05/2009, 02:07
2 From kate - 30/05/2009, 07:00
3 From Anne - 30/05/2009, 11:46
4 From carol - 30/05/2009, 16:49
5 From ambermoggie - 30/05/2009, 17:47
6 From sandy - 31/05/2009, 03:30
7 From Isobel - 03/06/2009, 13:42