I know I harp on about the wonderful light that is to be found in Sutherland. This part of the world can be a photographer's dream. This evening at 9.45pm we went outside because we realised the light was just perfect for photographing.
Even one of the sheep deigned to pose for me:
And when I swung the camera around to face towards the village of Stoer, the approaching rain became all to evident:
By the way, despite Anne's faith in my knitting the problem with the socks was a fault of mine, not of the pattern! I'm now steaming away, and enjoying the pattern. I tend to knit very plain socks most of the time, so it makes a change to do something with a bit of patterning to it.
6 reactions
1 From Nan - 26/05/2009, 00:49
2 From Amanda - 26/05/2009, 02:12
3 From Anne - 26/05/2009, 08:13
4 From maggie - 26/05/2009, 12:46
5 From Lacey - 26/05/2009, 13:17
6 From sandy - 31/05/2009, 03:31