Can you believe that I didn't take a single photo during my short sojurn in Perth?  My friend, Stella, and I had a really hectic time.  At first I was a little concerned about my decision to go to the show as it didn't seem at all promising while we were setting up, for all kinds of reasons, but once things got underway on Saturday there was no looking back.   I was thrilled with the reception my yarn got, and the show also gave me the opportunity to renew my acquantance with the lovely Mhairi, and also allowed me to make some interesting contacts which could lead to some very interesting collaborations in the future.  Exciting times!

But with all the activity I simply forgot to take photographs.  So instead I leave you with yet another sheep.  Only this time he's a little different.  The story is this:  we have some friends to go to South Africa regularly.  Like me they used to live in Zimbabwe.  While on a trip to South Africa last year they met a chap by the side of the road who was selling his hand made wire animals.  And they are simply beautiful.  My friend, Gilly, knew I'd love the sheep that he made, and so I am now the very proud caretaker of my own hand made sheep:


He stands about 7cm tall, and he's very pretty for a sheep.

Well, when our friends got chatting to the man, they found out that his name is Isaac, and Isaac sells these animals to support his family back in Zimbabwe. He taught himself to make the wire animals when the situation in Zimbabwe deteriorated and he lost his job.   He was also studying towards his degree, an MBA (Hons) degree and he should be attending his graduation this week.    While our friends were with us over Christmas we concocted a plan.  When they were next in South Africa they would track down Isaac again and see if he could make me a small flock of sheep for me to sell at Woolfest, thus helping to directly support Isaac and his family.  Well, that is precisely what has happened, and Isaac's flock will be coming with me to Woolfest this year.   So look out for this rather sweet little face if you plan to visit Woolfest in June:


On the subject of Woolfest, panic is beginning to set in with the thought of it only being a few weeks away.  And talking of panic, Stevan starts his exams tomorrow, thus bringing to an end his first year of University.   Doesn't time fly?