Saturday, May 21 2011


For some reason I've never really liked the word "fusion".  It has always sounded a little pretentious to me.  And I don't do pretentious!  But when I thought about it for 5 seconds I realised that I've led a life that could be summed up by that very word.Growing up in Africa, but with  […]

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Saturday, April 3 2010


In the UK the word "hoodies" often conjours up an image of a young person wearing a hooded sweatshirt or jacket.  Unfortunately the UK police and media were responsible in creating a whole "hoodie image" which resulted in the ludicrous situation where anyone wearing a hoodie  […]

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Thursday, July 30 2009

Of stoats and men*

* With apologies to John Steinbeck!We've been wondering why the birdseed and peanuts in the feeders have been disappearing at a rate of knots, and now we know who may be to blame:Isn't he beautiful?On Tuesday evening we had a real treat.  I have mentioned on this blog in the past how fortunate we  […]

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