Sunday, June 21 2015

Sunday Walks - Sea Thrift


At this time of year the sea thrift is stunning - dotted along the cliffs you'll find little patches of pink dancing in the light breezes.  To say that the summer, thus far, has been abysmal would be putting a gloss on how the weather has been over the past few weeks, but today it was beautifully  […]

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Friday, April 29 2011

Washing Lines

To be honest, it is really only in the summer that we have the opportunity of using our washing line for drying washed clothes.  But throughout the year I use it for another purpose - drying yarn.  Those of you familiar with my logo and the header at the top of my web pages will be familiar with the  […]

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Monday, May 11 2009

Sheep with a difference

Can you believe that I didn't take a single photo during my short sojurn in Perth?  My friend, Stella, and I had a really hectic time.  At first I was a little concerned about my decision to go to the show as it didn't seem at all promising while we were setting up, for all kinds of reasons, but  […]

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