Monday, April 14 2014

And the winner is ............

Nameless Hat Five

 I'm sorry it has been so long since Woolly Wormhead and I asked you to come up with a name for her hat which she has designed in Ripples Crafts Warm Hearted Aran yarn.  It has been a busy few weeks, and there were a couple of small delays on the finalising of the pattern, so we decided to hold off  […]

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Tuesday, March 6 2012

A perfect likeness

One of the things I spend so much time over is photographs for the website.  I find it very hard and at times extremely frustrating.  I tend not to adjust colours at all, but I sometimes adjust the white balance to make the background a little less intrusive.  And despite the care I take, you can  […]

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Sunday, March 4 2012


I am sorry to have been so quiet over the last week - it has just been a tad busy around the dyeshed.I have been dyeing up a storm with the new yarn bases in preparation for shows which begin in April.  I've been updating the shop all week with bits and pieces, and it has been disappearing quickly  […]

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Wednesday, January 25 2012

More news

Thank you for the wonderful response I've had via comments and e-mails and messages on Ravelry to the new na dannsairean yarn.  I'm very excited about it and have spent the whole day in the dyeshed dyeing up a storm today.   Here are the shades from todays work - the photographs are not great as I  […]

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Friday, October 21 2011

Glasgow School of Yarn

Today was the opening day of the Glasgow School of Yarn.  My journey to this event began yesterday morning as we headed down through Ullapool and past the always pretty Loch Broom:and after a brief diversion to Edinburgh where I left Stevan and the dogs in the care of our friends I&J, I made my  […]

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Wednesday, May 11 2011

The Frustrations of Dyeing

I try (but don't always) keep the recipes for the different colours that I dye.  And usually I am able to replicate certain colours without too much difficulty.  However there are some colours that misbehave.  For example, I have a gold dye which hardly ever looks exactly the same, no matter how  […]

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Monday, March 21 2011

It's dry and ready to find new homes

[caption id="attachment_4077" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Lipstick"][/caption][caption id="attachment_4078" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Summer Sunshine"][/caption][caption  […]

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Saturday, March 19 2011

A small preview

Those of you who are in my Ravelry Group will have seen these photographs, but I thought I'd just give you a little preview of some lovely new yarn which I will be stocking in the shop.  This is a high twist Falkland Merino 4 ply yarn.  It takes dye beautifully, and I'm very excited by this new  […]

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Monday, March 7 2011

Back to Work!

After a relaxing couple of days in Edinburgh it was back to the dye pots this morning.  I have a lot of dyeing to do, as I have a number of opportunities to meet customers old and new this year, beginning in April when I will be in Darlington at A Fine Yarn (no website at present - it's being  […]

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Sunday, December 5 2010


No, not an update on the weather (but if you want one, it is still cold!), but rather an update in the shop.    I have added Ripples Crafts Bulky yarn so you can make up some hats or scarves for festive gifts.  Or even just for yourself.  I've been using a new overdyeing technique recently, and it  […]

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Sunday, October 24 2010

Winter Preparations

Since getting back from Australia there has been an icy north wind blowing, and snow has begun to appear on the tops of hills around Assynt, making it clear that winter is approaching.  But the beautiful, crisp mornings that we have been having allows for great photographs, and yesterday I managed  […]

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Thursday, July 22 2010


One of the new range of yarns is now up in the shop.    This 50/50 merino/silk mix has lovely drape and great stitch definition and will be ideal for some of the beautiful shawl patterns that are currently available.  Perhaps an Ishbel, or a Brandywine?  More colours will be added over the coming  […]

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Thursday, February 4 2010

Exciting News

For those of you who will be in, or near, Edinburgh on Saturday 27th February, you may be interested to hear that Ripples Crafts will be holding a Trunk Show at K1 Yarns, 89 West Bow, Edinburgh from 11.00am to 5.00pm.I am very excited about this visit to K1, and I hope that as many of you as  […]

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Thursday, October 22 2009

Shop News - End of Range Clearout

With all the doom and gloom around about the Royal Mail strike, I decided now would be a good opportunity to hold a little sale in order to spread a little cheer instead.I'm moving out the Merino/Tencel yarn to make room for some new lines, and so from Saturday this yarn will be reduced in price by  […]

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Monday, June 1 2009

Shop News

I must apologise for the neglect that the poor shop page has had over the last couple of months.  I've done some work on it this evening, adding some Bluefaced Leicester 4 ply as well as some merino/tencel 4 ply.  However I have removed the 75/25 wool/nylon sock yarn until after Woolfest.  I need to  […]

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Friday, March 27 2009

Winter bites back

Well, there I was thinking spring was definitely on the way, and winter decided to bite back.  We've had a week of strong winds, driving rain and sleet.  The poor dogs have not had a decent walk all week (although they've not exactly been hammering down the door to go out either), and we're all  […]

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Friday, February 27 2009

Shop Update

Just a brief note to say I've added some Tencel/Merino Sock yarn, and some Blue Faced Leicester spinning fibre to the shop page.  The Tencel/Merino mix is made up of 50% tencel and 50% superwash merino.  The fibure is 100% BFL.  More will come over the next few weeks.

Thursday, February 12 2009

Quick off the mark

It's only the 12th February, and some of the overseas members have only just received their club yarn (colourway "By the Fireside"), but already I am receiving photo's from members of either a sock in progress or a completed pair!  And yet another blogger has a photo of a finished sock.   […]

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Wednesday, February 4 2009

Shop Update

There has been a large update in the shop, with new shades added.   Not all are quite as bright as the Crushed Cherry shade above.

Saturday, December 6 2008

Shop Update Done!

If you're in need of a last minute gift for a fellow knitter, now is your chance to find something they may like.  The shop is updated with new and old shades of sock yarn, some DK yarn and some 2 ply laceweight yarn.  There are currently only small amounts of the lace yarn, so be quick if you need  […]

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