Tuesday, February 10 2009

Winter Lessons

The cold snap in Scotland continues.  The snow is still lying on the ground and the temperature struggles to get above freezing during the day.  Despite the cold weather we've had another visitor to the bird feeder corner.  A little thrush.  She really is so pretty.And what, dear readers, should one  […]

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Tuesday, February 3 2009

Close Encounters

On our way to the post office in Lochinver this morning to post yet more sets of Knitpro needles to those of you who have been snapping them up, we passed this rather stately looking gentleman:We were so close we could have touched him.This blog has had a lot of new visitors over the last 48 hours.  […]

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Tuesday, December 9 2008

One Down .... One to Go!

We're one exam down, with one more to go this week.  Stevan isn't too impressed with me as I seem to have kindly passed on my head cold to him, which doesn't help when you're trying to think clearly to write an exam .... but I've every confidence that he'll be fine.Up in this part of the world we're  […]

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Saturday, November 29 2008

Winter Comes to Assynt

Yesterday morning I needed to go into Lochinver for a Christmas craft fair.  After putting his head out the door, Stevan suggested I take Mungo, the Land Rover, and I'm very pleased he did.  As soon as I got away from the sea the landscape turned really wintery, with ice and snow on the road.   […]

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Thursday, July 24 2008

Summer hits the Highlands

Today has been hot, hot, hot.  Fortunately there was a light breeze to take the sting out of the heat, and the sting out of the midges which descend if there's no breeze.  So I got to work with the strimmer to try and tame our wildlife meadow around the house.  It's not really a true wildlife medow,  […]

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Wednesday, July 16 2008

Bitty Day

Do you have those days when you seem to do lots of little bits and pieces?  Well, today was one of those days.  Not a bad day, but a bitty day.  After doing a reflexology session this morning on my neighbour in exchange for some beautiful fresh veg, it was on to a bit of admin (tax return), and then  […]

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