Thursday, December 19 2013


Broughty Ferry - 1950's

What a busy few weeks I had while in Australia.  My time there just flew by, and I can hardly believe that I am already back home.  Now I just need to get over the jetlag and I'll be feeling almost myself again.While I was in Brisbane we spent some time going through photographs that my Mum and Dad  […]

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Thursday, December 5 2013



Today began with the retrieval from the back of a cupboard of a suitcase.  A simple, old, rather battered, heavy brown suitcase.I knew that the suitcase held many memories and lots and lots of photographs, but I hadn't expected to find so many treasures.Soon the lounge floor in my Mum and Dad's  […]

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Friday, August 19 2011

Play Time

I know, I know, I should be tied to the dye pots, but I can't resist playing with my new camera.  So apologies in advance for a picture-heavy post.Can you tell what it is yet?:Yes, you got it, the inside of a sunflower:My favourite flower in the garden:Miss August:Promise of fruits to come:Some BFL  […]

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Thursday, July 2 2009

When did that happen?

My Mum recently sent me some great photographs.  She'd been digging out old 35mm slides and converting them to digital photographs, and there was one of me when I was very young (3 to be precise):That's me, second from the left.  Then, a few years later and slightly older, but looking like the total  […]

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Thursday, January 15 2009

There was a little girl .....

"There was a little girlWithout a little curlRight in the middle of her foreheadAnd when she was good, she was very, very goodAnd when she was bad, she was horrid"(With apologies to Longfellow)My mum got a new toy for Christmas.  It gives her the wherewithall to take old 35mm slides and  […]

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