Sunday, September 20 2015


Alison, Tim's wedding_v1

This is the hardest blog entry I've had to write to date.   I barely know how to begin.  But the reality is that my sister, Alison, died last week.  As some of you will know, it wasn't unexpected, but as many will say no matter how expected it just doesn't prepare you for the shock of being told  […]

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Tuesday, December 2 2014

Big Sis


I can't quite believe that my oldest sister had quite a "significant birthday" this week.She only had a couple of years on her own with Mum and Dad before her world was invaded by a new sister.She took her "big sis" duties very seriously, clearly!  And before long she had 2  […]

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Monday, August 18 2014

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away ....


The other day on Twitter there was discussion about bookshelves, and various folk I know posted "shelfies".  I added my own shelfie, but the whole discussion got me looking more closely at some of the books in our bookcases.  One book, larger than the others, stuck out slightly because of  […]

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Saturday, December 7 2013

Future Family Memories


Having spent time looking through Mum and Dad's old photographs while I'm here (and believe me, there are many! I'm taking home a 32GB usb stick FULL of photographs), I realised just how important it is to take family photographs.  Before I arrived in Australia my sister, Alison, had arranged for a  […]

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Friday, September 20 2013

An event, just a smidgeon over 21 years ago

Helen's Dedication, Usher 1961_v1

[caption id="attachment_6800" align="aligncenter" width="419"] My family at my christening[/caption] 

Wednesday, May 8 2013

A Diamond Pair

Mum and Dad on the left

It is our parent's 60th Wedding Anniversary.  Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad!Mum and Dad met in London, and romance blossomed.  Their first date was unusual, to say the least.  The whole family went![caption id="attachment_6413" align="aligncenter" width="482"] Mum and  […]

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Monday, May 6 2013

One of the best

Uncle Bob, 1945

It was with great sadness that we received the news last week of the death of Uncle Bob.  We don't have a huge circle of extended family members - as families go we're pretty compact.  But even if we had been a large family, Uncle Bob would have featured hugely simply because he was just that sort  […]

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Friday, February 15 2013

Surprise Packages

An Australian stamp marked package arrived a while ago, from my Mum.  I ripped it open, and inside was this:When I was in Australia I greatly admired my Mum's picnic tablecloth which came out every day we were out and about having a home made lunch, or feasting on fish and chips.  So she made me  […]

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Tuesday, January 15 2013

Over 4 decades ago

As someone who never considers herself to be the age she actually is, it came as a bit of  a shock to me this week when my Mum reminded me that it was 43 years ago this week that our family arrived in South Africa to start a new and very different life.Our long journey began at Southampton docks,  […]

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Monday, November 5 2012

Wish you were here - an Australian postcard

I'm thoroughly enjoying my break in Australia, and we've been pretty busy!  Last week we spent a few days in Kingscliff, a lovely little town in the north of New South Wales, very close to the Queensland border.  Although on the surface it is a sleepy little place:it is very pretty, and a popular  […]

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Sunday, October 28 2012

On being a Great Aunt

Hello from Australia.  After a long, long, but smooth flight I've landed in Brisbane and am enjoying being thoroughly spoilt by my Mum and Dad.   I've also been trying to get to know the local wildlife.  This is one of the many common bearded dragons which are to be found wondering around the  […]

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Tuesday, October 23 2012

Because you can never have too many pictures of a whole new person

[caption id="attachment_5771" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Payton - aged just a few hours[/caption]

Monday, October 22 2012

The newest family member

Welcome to the world, Payton Walkinshaw.  You have timed your arrival perfectly for my visit later this week!  Congratulations Tim and Mel.Here is a very proud Nana, Father and Peyton:And here is the proud Pops: 

Thursday, August 18 2011

Family Album

Thanks for the pictures, Uncle Bob.

Friday, November 26 2010

Shhhh, it's a secret

I know it has been pretty quiet around here recently - sorry about that.  But it doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything - life has been a little hectic.   But I have been doing a bit of knitting too, and for the first time in ages I have bought somebody else's yarn.[caption  […]

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Friday, November 5 2010

21 Today

On November 5th, 21 years ago, Stevan and I arrived in the UK.

Saturday, May 1 2010

Happy Day

My nephew got married today.  While we were not there (being on a different continent really can be tough sometimes), my sister sent photo's as soon as she could.  And the bride and groom did look radiantly happy, but instead of a photo of the newly weds, I know they won't mind if I give you my  […]

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Tuesday, December 15 2009

Exam Pressure

Stevan has his first, second year, exam today, so the pressure is on.  He's had to work very hard this term, given he's also got a full time job.  But given how well he's been doing in his essays I have every confidence he'll do well in the exams too.The stress of exams got me to thinking about  […]

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Monday, November 16 2009

Pink Haze

As some of you already know, our family has recently been hit with difficult news.  I won't be blogging about this news, or expanding on my blog as to what it is all about, as it is not my personal battle, although it obviously affects me deeply.  However, many of you have been in contact and I just  […]

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Saturday, September 5 2009

Troubling Times

It has a difficult few days.  Steve's Mum was taken into hospital in the US this week suffering from congestive heart failure.  She has had surgery and, while still very ill, is stable.  She is in good hands.  She also has very good friends close by, which is of great comfort to us.  It is not easy  […]

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