fibre dyeing

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Wednesday, July 6 2011

New Delights

I am always looking at different yarns or fibres to dye for your delight, and today I put 3 new items up in the shop.  Up first ..... 100% shetland fibre:Each braid contains approximately 200g of fibre.  Most braids are closer to 210g.  I don't dye much fibre, but from time to time I enjoy dyeing  […]

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Sunday, February 13 2011

All in a spin

Well despite the lusciousness of the fibre I showed you yesterday, I'm afraid that when I got out my spinning wheel it was another coil of fibre which called me:[caption id="attachment_3875" align="aligncenter" width="419" caption="Be my  […]

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Saturday, February 12 2011

Fibre Fiend

I'd forgotten just how much fun it is to dye fibre.  I've been trying to get back into it and I'm enjoying myself!Now I need to dust off the spinning wheel and see how it spins up.

Thursday, February 19 2009

One of those weeks .....

It's been an odd week.  On the one hand I've had one major problem with a delivery that's giving me a real headache, and on the other hand there has been fantastic little gems that have occurred.  It puts things into balance.First gem, another picture of socks in the January club yarn from one of  […]

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Friday, September 12 2008

Back to the workshop

Just before I get back to the grand building of the workshop, a quick update on Winifred.  She spent a comfortable night with us on Monday night, after polishing off a fillet of mackerel.  She just woke up once during the night and started to cry, which was pretty heartbreaking.  But after going  […]

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Thursday, July 31 2008

A New Look

You may have noticed a new banner at the top of the page (thanks Stevan!)   I hope you like it.  I've also made some changes to the Ripples Yarn page, and I welcome any feedback.

Friday, February 29 2008

Not a clue!

I have not a clue about the project on which I am about to embark. Dyeing fibre. All I know is that if others can do it, I can do it! Foolish thinking perhaps.But ever the fool I sent off for two kits:One using procion dyes, and one using natural dyes and mordants.Inside the Procion kit there were  […]

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