Saturday, January 22 2011

The uses of a Land Rover

Given our location and the extreme weather conditions which we occasionally experience we make good use of our Land Rover, Mungo.  He is now 10 years old, but is still a delight to drive.  But besides ferrying us around from place to place, he also has other uses.  He regularly acts as shelter for  […]

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Friday, November 12 2010

On the road again

Ripples Crafts (along with me and Mungo) is on the road again.  I'll be setting off bright and early tomorrow morning to get to Cromarty to attend the "Wooden it be Nice" fair which is being organised by the Cromarty Arts Trust and will be held at The Stables in Cromarty.  The fair takes  […]

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Thursday, March 4 2010

Good News, Bad News ..... again!

This morning we woke up and this was the wonderful view:However ....... (and here is the bad news for the day) ..... this was not such a wonderful view:In the many, many years Stevan and I have been married, we'd never had a puncture.  Now we've had 2 in the space of about 3 months.  It is almost as  […]

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Sunday, July 19 2009

Love thy Landie

Land Rover used to have a sticker for your car that said "Love thy Landie".  I always thought it a little on the superflous side as most Landie owners would never consider any alternative!  On Friday I was in Inverness, driving up Harbour Road which is simply a long road of car  […]

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