May 2017 (2)

Monday, May 22 2017

From Dorset (via Australia) with Love

 I'm so pleased to tell you that Clare Devine, over at Knit Share Love, has used some of my sock yarn in a couple of new designs as part of her "From Dorset with Love" collection of knitting patterns.  The patterns are released today over on Ravelry, and I have had a sneaky preview for a  […]

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Friday, May 12 2017

Work Going On Behind the Scenes

I am sorry this blog has been so quiet.  However it isn't because nothing has been happening at Tigh Na Ripples Crafts!  Those of you who follow me on Twitter and Instagram will know that the dye shed has a new home.  After Edinburgh Yarn Festival, Stevan and I sat down and after some discussion,  […]

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