January 2017 (4)

Sunday, January 22 2017

Winter Sunshine


We have had a fabulous few days this week, where we have been treated to wall to wall blue, sunny skies, and although it was cold we enjoyed taking advantage of the weather and getting out for some walking.   As I've mentioned before, one of the biggest advantages of being independent and running  […]

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Thursday, January 19 2017

A Day Off


One of the pleasures of self employment is that you're not tied to regimented hours of 9 to 5 Monday to Friday, which means you have to face the shops on a Saturday or Sunday when most of the rest of the working population are doing their shopping.  So on Tuesday I declared we were risking scurvy  […]

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Thursday, January 12 2017

New Yarns and Pricing News


A really boring title to this blog entry, I know, but it sort of says it all!  This entry will be about a couple of new yarns and news on my pricing, so if you're only looking for pretty pictures of Assynt, sorry![caption id="attachment_8856" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Sunday, January 1 2017

Well, Hello 2017


The first day of 2017 dawned in the same way as the last day of 2016 - wet and windy!  We have had front after front of "weather" coming through Assynt since before Christmas.  We had two named storms pass over - Barbara and Conor, and while they were fierce we were fortunate enough not to  […]

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