August 2016 (2)

Saturday, August 27 2016

Tippy, the Hen, AKA Elsa


We have a little hen, Elsa.  I say little - she's not really that much smaller than our other ISA Browns, but she is certainly special.She is much tamer than our other 4 hens for a start.  She'll happily lie down and let you stroke her and stroke her until her eyes close and she nods off.  It really  […]

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Tuesday, August 2 2016

Are you hungry? I mean really, REALLY hungry?


[caption id="attachment_8696" align="aligncenter" width="718"] Camping, Malawi style[/caption]How often has someone said to you "Are you hungry?" and the immediate response has been "I'm starved!".   I know I've said it many times.  But in reality  […]

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