September 2015 (3)

Wednesday, September 23 2015

Travelling again


First of all, thank you to everyone who contacted me by email, on Twitter, and on Ravelry regarding my sister, Alison.  It was very kind of each of you to take the time to get in touch and it was very much appreciated.  Thank you.I'm off on my travels again.  This time I'm heading down to Yarndale,  […]

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Sunday, September 20 2015


Alison, Tim's wedding_v1

This is the hardest blog entry I've had to write to date.   I barely know how to begin.  But the reality is that my sister, Alison, died last week.  As some of you will know, it wasn't unexpected, but as many will say no matter how expected it just doesn't prepare you for the shock of being told  […]

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Sunday, September 6 2015

Work, Wildlife and Yarn Notes


This past week has just flown by in a flurry of work.  There has been much yarn dyeing in preparation for Yarndale which is now looming.  I have much work still to do for this event, but it is also the first event where we will try out the new trailer!Stevan has worked hard on this project, and his  […]

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