July 2015 (4)

Friday, July 31 2015

What can I say?


 I'm sorry to have been neglecting my blog for so long.  What can I say other than I've been busy!   Next weekend finds me in Dundee visiting Fluph wool shop for a trunk show.  If you are within striking distance of Fluph please come along.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there, and visiting  […]

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Tuesday, July 7 2015

A Bit of Shop News


I am very pleased to tell you that I am planning another Trunk Show.  It is a while since I did one, but when Leona of Fluph said she'd be willing to host me I said "YES PLEASE!".  So on Saturday, 8th August, you will find me here:Fluph is in Dundee, which is another reason I'm looking  […]

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Sunday, July 5 2015

Glorious Weather


I really try very hard not to complain about the weather - after all you don't live this far north for the weather.  But I would be the first to admit that our spring and summer this year has not been the best.  Wet, cold and windy just about covers it.But something you learn to do when you live  […]

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Friday, July 3 2015

My Workspace


It is a long time since I showed you "The Shed" aka "The Workshop" aka "The Studio" (when I'm feeling posh!).  It is such a lovely sunny day today, and the shed is looking particularly neat and tidy, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to show you where all the yarn  […]

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