June 2015 (5)

Monday, June 29 2015

Woolfest 2015


I can hardly believe that Woolfest is over for another year. Wednesday last week found Stevan, myself, and the two dogs, driving south to the small village of Brigham just outside Cockermouth, to our small home for a few days.  It couldn't have been more handy for the Mart where Woolfest is held -  […]

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Sunday, June 21 2015

Sunday Walks - Sea Thrift


At this time of year the sea thrift is stunning - dotted along the cliffs you'll find little patches of pink dancing in the light breezes.  To say that the summer, thus far, has been abysmal would be putting a gloss on how the weather has been over the past few weeks, but today it was beautifully  […]

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Thursday, June 18 2015

In the Loop 4 - Glasgow 2015 (and other things)


My only visit to Shetland was back in 2010 when I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the In the Loop Conference held in Lerwick.   As I said right at the beginning of this blog post I'd waited for many a year to hold a plane ticket which would mean I was flying to Shetland.   The Conference  […]

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Sunday, June 14 2015

Sunday Walks


What a week!  It is hard to believe that XpoNorth and Cr&FT2015 has come and gone.  The week went by in a bit of a whirlwind, and I arrived home late on Friday afternoon exhausted, but buoyed up by the experience of XpoNorth 2015.Wednesday evening found me, along with 10 other designers from the  […]

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Saturday, June 6 2015

Are you in Inverness on Wednesday?

Email invite

If you are able to come to this event, please note that if you have not already registered for XpoNorth online you will need to register here to enable you to attend any of the events.