April 2015 (7)

Tuesday, April 28 2015

It may not be perfect ....

The round basket I made back in 2010

This past weekend I went and did a Basket Weaving workshop with Tim Palmer, from Inverness.  I have done a workshop with Tim in the past, and so was keen to return and do a workshop making square baskets rather than round ones which I made in the last workshop back in 2010.[caption  […]

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Tuesday, April 21 2015

Monday Walks


I know I've said this before, but being self employed means that if the weather is absolutely glorious it is a crime not to take advantage of it, sneak off for a good walk, and then catch up with work when the weather isn't too good.  And, with snow and cold weather forecast for next week, we  […]

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Sunday, April 19 2015

Suilven - a new yarn


[caption id="attachment_8197" align="aligncenter" width="532"] Ripe Rowan Berry[/caption]I'm very happy to introduce you to a new yarn that is joining the Ripples Crafts portfolio of yarns.  I have called this yarn Suilven (pronounced "Sool-vin") after the  […]

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Saturday, April 18 2015

Marking the Seasons


Perhaps living where we do makes it easier to spot the changing seasons.  The landscape has tell tale signs that sometimes you miss in a city, or which can be artificially speeded up when green patches are surrounded by high buildings.  Living somewhere where there is little to shield nature from  […]

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Saturday, April 11 2015

Ripples Crafts / Glencanisp Lodge Retreat 2015


EDITED TO ADD:  All the rooms have now been reserved.  I am, however, opening a waiting list in case those who have reserved rooms need to drop out for any reason, so please still get in touch if you are interested.Thank you for the magnificent (and quick!) response to this retreat. There has been a  […]

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Thursday, April 9 2015

Busy week!


It has been a bit of a busy week.  We had to take advantage of the good weather over the Easter weekend and get the old turbine down, and the new turbine up.  There was an anxious time while we waited for the wind to pick up again - had the wiring all been done correctly, were all the stays keeping  […]

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Sunday, April 5 2015

Interactions and Community

Alex on Tractor, Howard_v1

My blog has been on the go since 2007.  Over the 8 years it has changed direction and focus many times, and when Ripples Crafts came into being I boldly stated that I would not really be including anything about the business on the blog.  Well I didn't exactly nail that claim!  But there are times I  […]

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