March 2015 (5)

Sunday, March 29 2015

Sunday Walks


As the problem Lexie had with her paws has been improving, so we've been getting a little more adventurous in our hill walks again.  It is such a delight to see her leaping over heather and bracken again.  This time last year she couldn't put her paw on the ground without it spontaneously bleeding.  […]

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Sunday, March 22 2015

The "Ripples" in Ripples Crafts


Sometimes I idly wonder if I chose the right name for my business - Ripples Crafts.  I mean, it doesn't really say "hand dyed yarn" does it?  But then someone said something to me at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival which bought back exactly why I'd chosen the name, and I searched back through  […]

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Monday, March 16 2015

Aaaaaannnnnnd ............ Collapse


What a wonderful weekend at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival.I could end this blog entry right now and that first sentence would say it all.  But I know you'd be disappointed if I didn't have more to say and I feel like there is  bit of an Oscar speech coming on!First, let me say the biggest and loudest  […]

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Friday, March 13 2015

On the eve of Edinburgh Yarn Festival


Tomorrow the Edinburgh Yarn Festival will be OPEN for business!Today was all about the hard work of setting up.  We arrived to find our stand ready for us, albeit a little bare looking:The first thing to happen was the beautiful plan I'd drawn up and mapped out got screwed up into a ball and thrown  […]

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Friday, March 6 2015

Gearing up - Edinburgh Yarn Festival Looms


This time next week I'll be setting up the stand for the Edinburgh Yarn Festival.   I am more than excited about this.  This event is going to be HUGE!  There are visitors, vendors and teachers coming from all over the world.  And I am going to be there too.   I can't tell you how much it thrills me  […]

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