February 2015 (3)

Wednesday, February 25 2015

I've started so I'll finish


One of the disadvantages of having a shed full of yarn is I am often tempted to stop half way through a project and start a new one.  This lack of commitment to a project can be for a number of reasons: sometimes I want to try a new yarn, sometimes I'm not enjoying the project (those ones often get  […]

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Tuesday, February 17 2015

Work, work, work ....


It has been ALL about work in recent weeks, so I do apologise for being absent from the blog for so long.  I'm dyeing up a storm for Edinburgh Yarn Festival which takes place in just 4 weeks time.   Here is just a handful of yarns waiting for labelling.  I've rented a van to get everything down to  […]

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Sunday, February 1 2015

And the Winners Are .................


Thank you for all your comments.  They were all printed off, folded up and put into a rather special hat which will feature at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival, and Stevan was called upon to do the honours:And the winners of a weekend pass for the Edinburgh Yarn Festival are ......... drumroll  […]

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