December 2014 (4)

Wednesday, December 31 2014

Old Year into New


I'm not one for looking back at the old year and forward to the new year at Hogmanay.   Instead, let me just wish you a very happy new year, and I leave you with a photo we took of ourselves on Christmas Day.May 2015 be all you hope for.

Sunday, December 21 2014

A little insight into one dyeing process


 Those of you who know me well, know I enjoy the technical aspects of dyeing - learning why certain fibres react in certain ways, why different breeds of sheep fleece results in different shades when I use the same recipe, and why certain dyes are tricky to work with.  Even though I return to my  […]

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Tuesday, December 16 2014

Sweetly modelled

Drumbeg, looking towards Handa Island in the north west

Earlier in the year I posted a small version of Ravi Junior off to my nephew and his wife, new parents to young Rosie.  It was only last year the Martin and Avery visited us in Clachtoll: [caption id="attachment_6508" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Drumbeg, looking  […]

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Tuesday, December 2 2014

Big Sis


I can't quite believe that my oldest sister had quite a "significant birthday" this week.She only had a couple of years on her own with Mum and Dad before her world was invaded by a new sister.She took her "big sis" duties very seriously, clearly!  And before long she had 2  […]

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