September 2014 (3)

Saturday, September 20 2014

20-something years ago


Okay, maybe that is pushing your credulity to the limit, but some years ago on this day, I had my first birthday party, surrounded by my sisters and my Mum, with my Dad behind the camera:Today's birthday was also spent outdoors, but in a slightly different environment.  We headed up to The Bone  […]

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Tuesday, September 16 2014

Tanera Mor Retreat 2014


I really cannot believe the Tanera Mor retreat has come and gone.  It just seemed to whiz by.  Last Sunday morning found Mungo and I heading towards a new (for us) pier to meet The Patricia which was to ferry our small group across to Tanera Mor.[caption id="attachment_7788"  […]

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Tuesday, September 2 2014


Copyright Jeni Reid

Last week was certainly a busy week for visitors.  The dyeshed is not generally open to the public, and I don't have signposts indicating where I am, but somehow folk find me!  The first visitor last week was as a result of a Twitter conversation.  Alice bounced through the gates like a breath of  […]

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