August 2014 (3)

Sunday, August 24 2014

Sunday Walks


Peggy and I were on our own today for our Sunday Walk.  We headed up to one of my favourite lochs (currently nameless on most maps that we've found), and then headed along the top of the hills to Lexie's Loch.  After what feels like days (and nights) of rain, the ground was pretty soggy underfoot,  […]

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Monday, August 18 2014

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away ....


The other day on Twitter there was discussion about bookshelves, and various folk I know posted "shelfies".  I added my own shelfie, but the whole discussion got me looking more closely at some of the books in our bookcases.  One book, larger than the others, stuck out slightly because of  […]

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Sunday, August 3 2014

Summer in Assynt


We have had cracking summer weather this year.  Even the dreaded midge has been relatively well behaved and have only proved irritating on a few occasions.   While Lexie is much much better, we still have to be cautious where we walk her, and so many of our walks have taken us down to Stoer beach  […]

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