May 2014 (5)

Sunday, May 25 2014

Highland Wool Festival 2014


I am home again after a very successful inaugural Highland Wool Festival.  Many thanks to Anne Marie Foot and her team of patient, helpful helpers for making the day such a success.  The event began for me on Friday afternoon when I went down to Dingwall Auction Mart to keep Anne Marie company  […]

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Thursday, May 22 2014

On the road again


Tomorrow sees me on the road again.  This time I won't be going too far but I will be away for a few days.  The shop has been almost emptied, but not quite!Stevan and I had to huff and puff and squeeze and push, but we managed to get almost everything I wanted to take into Mungo.   I had to  […]

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Tuesday, May 20 2014

It was well received


My little parcel finally made it to Brisbane and to the recipient of the "Love" dress - my great-niece Felicity.Felicity's Mum is awfully apologetic that Felicity looks rather grumpy in the pictures and refused a smile, but I think she looks just gorgeous.  No, no, I'm no biased at all,  […]

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Tuesday, May 13 2014

Behind the scenes


A while back someone said to me "you are so lucky - you spend all your time being creative.  I'd love to spend all day dyeing yarn".   And she was right - I am very lucky.  I do something that I love and something that is creative.   But I don't do it all day and every day.  I am sure many  […]

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Sunday, May 4 2014

Lexie from Woolly Wormhead


On Friday Woolly Wormhead released the pattern Lexie.  I was going to update the blog with the news then, but there was such a flurry of activity on the website that I was kept a little too busy!  Thank you to all who have both purchased the pattern and the yarn with which to make the hat.I sent out  […]

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