March 2014 (6)

Sunday, March 30 2014

Assynt Walks


Lexie's long term paw problems have meant that we've had to explore areas of Assynt that offer easier walking, and in many ways this has been a really good thing.  We've finally got around to exploring bits we've been meaning to explore ever since we moved here permanently 6 years ago!There is a  […]

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Sunday, March 23 2014



March can sometimes feel like it is Monochrome Month in the Highlands.  Colour hasn't returned to the hills yet, and they still look grey and brown.  Photographs taken during March sometimes reinforce that sense of monochrome-ness: Skies tend to be leaden and the sea grey:and even the splashes of  […]

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Saturday, March 22 2014

Scribblings ....

photo 3

It was my brother in law's birthday today - Russell is, ummmmm, older than me!  And my sister sent through some photo's taken of him on the day.  I think this one was the most flattering:HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSSELL!I've been working on Ravi Junior (designed by Carol Feller) for another great niece  […]

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Sunday, March 9 2014

Surprise! Surprise!


If you're old enough you'll remember the days of Our Cilla hosting Surprise Surprise on ITV.   Well the surprises won't be quite as overwhelming as the ones Cilla used to spring on folk, but hopefully the surprise you get if you order one of my Surprise! Surprise! packages will be a good one.It'll  […]

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Friday, March 7 2014

Name That Hat!

Nameless Hat Five

[caption id="attachment_7384" align="aligncenter" width="827"] Photograph courtesy and copyright of Woolly Wormhead[/caption]Not very long along ago I was talking to Woolly Wormhead on Twitter, and we got chatting about yarn.  And (to cut a long story short) I sent her  […]

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Tuesday, March 4 2014

First Road Trip of 2014


It just feels like the other day that I was saying I was about to do the last event of 2013.  And here I am deep in plans for my first 2014 road trip which will culminate in 2 events.At the end of March I'll be setting off south, stopping first at Kelso to pick up my friend Lizzi, and then heading  […]

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