February 2014 (5)

Sunday, February 23 2014

February - a Finishing Month?


I seem to have finished quite a few WIP's (Works in Progress for the non-knitters reading this) this month.  First of all I (almost) finished Floriston.  The knitting part is complete, but those of you who know me will know what I'm like when it comes to picking up a sewing needle.  She has just a  […]

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Saturday, February 15 2014

Post Office Run - Colour


I've been thinking about the colours for the Post Office Run club yarn due to go out at the end of this month.  Here are a few of the photographs which have been giving me some inspiration for colours.Signs that spring isn't far away - new growth:The gorse is beginning to  bloom:I'm lucky to pass by  […]

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Thursday, February 13 2014

Miniature world


This week a really special little parcel dropped into the post box.  And I really mean little!  I wasn't sure what it was, and my first view made me none the wiser:It came to me from Chris Smith, at A Fine Yarn in Darlington.  Chris stocks my laceweight yarns.  As I unwrapped the surprise package, I  […]

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Sunday, February 9 2014

Colour Work


It has been all about colour this week.   I have been putting together new colours on the Warm Hearted Aran base, some of which sold out very quickly!  The most popular colourway was Festive Lights, a colour which, up to now, I've only done on the Reliable Sock Yarn base, but which I decided to test  […]

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Monday, February 3 2014



The photo below showing a rather crumpled red cardigan indicates that Floriston is finished!  Well, the knitting is finished - she has still to be tidied up and blocked.  But essentially, the really hard part is done.And so over the weekend I had the luxury of casting on Strokkur.  I have decided on  […]

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