December 2013 (7)

Tuesday, December 31 2013



As 2013 draws to a close I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all my lovely customers for their wonderful support during the year.  It has been a busy, and at times positively hectic, year.Looking back before I look forward to 2014 I must say that there have been some real personal highlights.  […]

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Monday, December 30 2013

Easy Walking


We have had so much rain over the last few weeks that the hills are a little, ummmmm, slushy!  So we decided to make it easy on ourselves and on Peggy and Lexie and we headed for the Little Assynt All Abilities Path near Lochinver for a stroll.  The path network is surrounded by high anti-deer  […]

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Friday, December 27 2013



I'm not really one for KAL's (for the non-knitters among you KAL means "Knit-Along"), as I don't like knitting deadlines.  I'm even worse at doing Mystery KAL's, which is where you have no idea what the finished item will look like.  Instead the designer sends you a clue every few days  […]

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Saturday, December 21 2013

Winter Solstice 2013

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Today is the shortest day in 2013 in the northern hemisphere.  As Freyalyn put it beautifully on twitter this morning:I wish I could bring you a beautiful, calm, snowy winter scene today, but unfortunately what we have is wind and rain, thunder and lightening, stormy clouds, and not an awful lot of  […]

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Thursday, December 19 2013


Broughty Ferry - 1950's

What a busy few weeks I had while in Australia.  My time there just flew by, and I can hardly believe that I am already back home.  Now I just need to get over the jetlag and I'll be feeling almost myself again.While I was in Brisbane we spent some time going through photographs that my Mum and Dad  […]

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Saturday, December 7 2013

Future Family Memories


Having spent time looking through Mum and Dad's old photographs while I'm here (and believe me, there are many! I'm taking home a 32GB usb stick FULL of photographs), I realised just how important it is to take family photographs.  Before I arrived in Australia my sister, Alison, had arranged for a  […]

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Thursday, December 5 2013



Today began with the retrieval from the back of a cupboard of a suitcase.  A simple, old, rather battered, heavy brown suitcase.I knew that the suitcase held many memories and lots and lots of photographs, but I hadn't expected to find so many treasures.Soon the lounge floor in my Mum and Dad's  […]

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