November 2013 (6)

Tuesday, November 26 2013

Memories, or perhaps nightmares


When I was at school we did Domestic Science.  Also known as Home Economics.  And no, it was not simply to teach the pupils at my all girls school how to boil an egg - there really was aspects of science and home economy to the subject.  I didn't appreciate that at the time, but while visiting with  […]

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Saturday, November 16 2013

A tale of two pairs


If you've read my blog for a while you'll know my love/hate relationship with my knitting machine.  But there is no denying that it can produce a pair of socks far more quickly than I can by hand knitting them, especially if they are to fit larger feet.  This weekend I completed two pairs of socks -  […]

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Sunday, November 10 2013

Sunday Walks


We have had the full gamut of weather this past week.  Hail, rain, wind, sunshine, sunshine and showers, and snow (on the tops).  But today was absolutely still, and frosty, and cold.  Perfect for a Sunday walk.  But before we could head off, Stevan had to do some checking of the turbine as we are  […]

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Wednesday, November 6 2013

Creative Employment : Highland Stoneware (Part 2)


First of all, I must apologise as in the previous post I referred to earthenware - of course it is stoneware which Highland STONEWARE produces - the clue is in the name.  As Dorell pointed out in her comment, stoneware is much stronger.  And to that end I do have a tale about Highland Stoneware.  In  […]

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Monday, November 4 2013

Creative Employment : Highland Stoneware (Part One)


For ages I have been meaning to go into our local pottery, Highland Stoneware, and spend time chatting to those who work there and having a proper look at how they work.  I had a couple of hours free this afternoon, so I arrived, unannounced, and Dorell was happy to stop what she was doing to show  […]

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Saturday, November 2 2013

In the Wilderness

A wilderness?

[caption id="attachment_6982" align="aligncenter" width="640"] A wilderness?[/caption]There was a big announcement in the press this week.  The Assynt/Coigach area of Sutherland and Wester Ross is to benefit from a £3M grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.  On the face  […]

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