October 2013 (10)

Sunday, October 27 2013

A new yarn


I have a new yarn to introduce.This is an aran weight yarn and the fibre content is 70% wool, 20% mohair and 10% silk.  It is a single ply yarn, as you can see in the photograph above, and there is approximately 130m per 100g.  I got a sample a little while ago, which I immediately dyed and knitted  […]

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Thursday, October 24 2013

There is a nip in the air


Autumn is very definitely here, and has been for a while.  I regret not taking some photographs when I was in Inverness over the weekend of the beautiful colours in the tree leaves.  We don't get that kind of blanket colour in Assynt as trees are not quite so plentiful.  But Autumn has its own  […]

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Monday, October 21 2013

A Sale is Announced*

*With apologies to Agatha Christie2013 has just flown by.  I can hardly believe that we are heading towards the end of October, and before long it will be Christmas.  Between now and Christmas I will be away for a while (although the shop will remain open and orders will be dispatched), so I have  […]

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Sunday, October 20 2013

Highland Wool and Textile Fair 2013 and more Exciting News for 2014


This weekend saw me away off to Inverness for the Highland Wool and Textile Fair.  This is the second year the event has been held, and it was very enjoyable.  It is a relaxed affair, with fewer folk than some of the events I do, but that means I have more time to chat to folk.  That also means that  […]

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Thursday, October 17 2013

A Special Gift

photo 3-5

I've been working on a special gift for a new, not yet born, member of the family.  She is due to arrive in November, and I am hoping to be close by when she arrives in Brisbane.  My sister assures me that my niece does not read my blog, so she will hopefully stick to that rule and not see the gift  […]

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Sunday, October 13 2013

Fun and Relaxation


You'd think that relaxation for me would not involve working with textiles and colour, but it does.  I've been taking a class at our local Leisure Centre in printing.  We are printing on to all types of things, but mostly onto paper and fabric.  And I am loving it!   Those who know me know very well  […]

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Saturday, October 12 2013

On Holiday at Home

Lexie's Loch, Assynt

At the beginning of this week the weather was awful!  Really awful!  We had gale force winds and torrential rain interspersed with hail.  The wind was from the north at times, making it bitterly cold.  At times working in the dye shed was a little frightening - although fortunately the shed is  […]

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Sunday, October 6 2013

The Orkney Collection - Now Available


I have had a busy time this week creating the colourways I want to include in my Orkney Collection for 2013.  Initially I had only planned to have 3 colourways, but somehow the collection grew into 6!  There was a 7th too, but I thought 7 was too many.  So, may I present (drumroll please):(lease  […]

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Friday, October 4 2013

Highland Wool and Textile Fair


The second Highland Wool and Textile fair takes place in Inverness on the 19th October.  I'm thoroughly looking forward to this event again this year.  While there is a large range of stallholders it has an intimate feel about it, probably down to the beautiful venue in which it is held.   […]

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Wednesday, October 2 2013

The Orkney Collection 2013


Between us Stevan and I have some cracking photographs from our week in Orkney.  So Stevan made a rather good suggestion - dye up a one off, limited edition series of yarns.  And so "The Orkney Collection" idea was born.I have begun experimenting with colours, and to be honest my problem  […]

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