August 2013 (5)

Thursday, August 22 2013

Wonderful Weather


We have been having absolutely glorious weather over the last few days.  It has pelted down with rain at night, but the days have been lovely.  Today was no exception.I've been exceptionally busy in the dye shed doing various commission dye jobs but also preparing yarn for the next package in the  […]

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Sunday, August 18 2013

Our garden

Prunella vulgaris?

We are terrible gardeners.  There can be no beating about the bush - we are awful.  Which is pretty shameful given what a fantastic gardener my father is.  We would love to be better gardeners but neither of us have the discipline to pay the constant attention needed to keep things growing.However,  […]

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Thursday, August 15 2013

Last Minute Vacancy - Tanera Mor Yarn Retreat


Because of circumstances beyond her control one of the people booked in to attend the retreat on Tanera Mor at the beginning of September has had to cancel.   This means that if you were hoping to attend, but it was booked out before you could book a place (and that did happen rather quickly!) then  […]

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Wednesday, August 7 2013

Hatopia - positive action to help a community

Traversa Photograph courtesy Woolly Wormhead

Community means a lot to me.  It always has.  The various communities within which I've lived have shaped me - there is no doubting that.  One of the things that I disliked Margaret Thatcher most for was her declaration  "And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual  […]

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Sunday, August 4 2013

Sunday Walks


With a refreshing breeze blowing today, our walk was a pleasure.  It was our first "proper" walk together since Stevan had his thumb operation, and while the pumping blood caused him quite a bit of discomfort he managed well, and got some cracking photographs.  The hills are looking  […]

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