July 2013 (9)

Saturday, July 27 2013

A bit of weather


Looking back through recent blog entries, I seem to be a little obsessed with weather at the moment.  We always joke that we have our own little micro-climate in Clachtoll, but during the last week it really has felt like that.  Just a mile away in all directions there have been storm clouds and  […]

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Thursday, July 25 2013

Assynt Storms Yarn Club


It feels a little odd writing this blog post during one of the sunniest and hottest weeks of the year so far.  However, I have opened up a new yarn club in the shop.The Ripples Crafts Assynt Storms Yarn Club will run for 3 months, beginning in August.  The Assynt Storms range of colours has been so  […]

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Monday, July 22 2013

A gentle stroll


Stevan is still unable to drive (well, technically he can, but apparently if you drive with a plaster cast your car insurance is invalidated!), so when he needed to go into Lochinver today to do some archival work with some of the older members of the Assynt population, I had a couple of hours to  […]

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Saturday, July 20 2013

Summer has arrived in Assynt

Cooling off

 [caption id="attachment_6594" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Cooling off[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6595" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Lexie's Loch[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6598"  […]

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Sunday, July 14 2013

Just add yarn (and the kindness of friends)


Earlier on this week I was in the post office posting parcels off to Canada, the USA, Sweden, as well as more locally, when our postie, David, handed me some post.  In amongst the bills and bank statements was a padded envelope.  I wasn't expecting anything, and so as soon as I was back in Mungo I  […]

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Thursday, July 11 2013

Summer time in Ullapool


I had to go to Ullapool today to put Mungo in the garage for a few hours.  And so I had the time to have a good wander around Ullapool.  Usually trips to Ullapool involve rushing down, racing around Tesco's to get what we needed, and then heading home again.  But today I had the luxury of ambling  […]

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Wednesday, July 10 2013

Coming over all Sir Walter Scott-ish


After a few days of dreich, misty weather and being envious of the rest of the country sweltering in high summer temperatures, today was one of those days where you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world other than the Highlands.Walking the dogs  took a while today, even though it was a  […]

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Saturday, July 6 2013

Some weeks are more tricky than others!


It hasn't been the easiest of weeks.As I alluded to in my last post, Stevan hurt his thumb a couple of weeks ago.  He was attempting to fix and start our back up petrol generator which we use when the wind and sun fail us and the batteries are low on power.  The starter cable for the generator  […]

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Monday, July 1 2013

Woolfest 2013 (subtitled "Wow!")

Dorothy and Lizzi making sure they're in the right place

"Wow!" about sums up Woolfest 2013.  What a show.  We were so busy on the stand that despite having both Dorothy and Lizzi helping me none of us really had a chance to go and have a look around the rest of the show.We set off for Cumbria on Wednesday, and were able to relax on Thursday  […]

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