January 2013 (12)

Wednesday, January 30 2013

Something new in the shop

As you may know, I decided to start stocking interchangeable ChiaoGoo needle sets in the shop.  I was so excited when the delivery man arrived today with a large box full of needle sets, and also rather in awe of him coming out in the foulest of weather!  The last 18 hours have been a little on the  […]

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Tuesday, January 29 2013

Who is Heather?

I know what it is like to be camera shy.  I'd far rather be behind the lens than in front of it.  And it would seem Heather is like me in that respect.  Her Mum, Jacqui, could not find any photographs of Heather working in her role of Assistant Brownie Leader so last week she took the opportunity of  […]

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Wednesday, January 23 2013

Highland Light

I was pretty occupied today dispatching the first lot of orders for Heather's GOLD and dyeing up the next batch for orders which came in yesterday and today (and which will go out on Friday), so Stevan was on his own today when he took the dogs for their walk.  We've not had the quantities of snow  […]

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Tuesday, January 22 2013

Grateful Thanks

Thank you for such a great response to the Ripples Crafts fundraising yarn for the first half of 2013.  I have been kept very busy dyeing Heather's GOLD and I will be back at the dyepots tomorrow to do fresh batches.  If you want this colour on the BFL/N base, then there is a very limited supply of  […]

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Sunday, January 20 2013

Heather's GOLD

As you may know, last year I used the online sales of a particular colourway (Brave Lads and Lassses, now renamed Stormy Sea) to raise funds for our local RNLI station in Lochinver.  I organised it in a way that there was no extra cost to those who bought this particular colourway, but £5.00 from  […]

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Saturday, January 19 2013


We have escaped the snow that is blanketing the rest of the UK at the moment, but we haven't escaped the cold.  There are bitter bitter winds blowing, and the ground is very crunchy underfoot.  We have had an easy winter up to now with very few days being below freezing, and January and February  […]

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Thursday, January 17 2013

Waving a sad farewell

One of my yarn bases, the Bluefaced Leicester / Nylon 4ply blend, is going to disappear off into the not too distant sunset.  When I bought this yarn base in it was made clear that it was a one off opportunity to buy this particular base.  Other BFL/Nylon bases are, of course, available, and in time  […]

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Tuesday, January 15 2013

Over 4 decades ago

As someone who never considers herself to be the age she actually is, it came as a bit of  a shock to me this week when my Mum reminded me that it was 43 years ago this week that our family arrived in South Africa to start a new and very different life.Our long journey began at Southampton docks,  […]

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Friday, January 11 2013

Some days ....

Some days it takes a little bit longer to get to the post office than other days.

Tuesday, January 8 2013


Finally, I have something finished that I can show you.  The first is my Ravi Junior, designed by Carol Feller, which I made for my show stand so that folk can see the sort of fabric that you get from using the sport weight yarn.  I made the smallest size and it took 140g of the sport weight yarn. I  […]

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Sunday, January 6 2013

Considerations for 2013

I'm really not one to make new year resolutions.  Instead I prefer to ponder on the year ahead (rather than on the year that has passed) and consider small changes I'd like to make.  Nothing earth shattering, just small changes that are achievable rather than big resolutions that leave you feeling  […]

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Tuesday, January 1 2013

The first day of a new year

We were with friends until after the bells this morning, so the first day of the new year has been a quiet one.  We never really get to sleep in late, as there is always something needing our attention first thing in the morning, especially the hens.  So after making sure they were fine and the  […]

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