November 2012 (6)

Thursday, November 29 2012

2013 Calendar

The calendar has arrived from the printers, and I'm very happy with it.  It is always so difficult to choose 12 photographs out of the hundreds that Stevan and I take each year.  But eventually I whittle them down, and the final proof gets approved and the printing begins.  I'm always so nervous  […]

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Saturday, November 24 2012

We had so much fun this year

We're doing it all again!  The Tanera Mor Knitting Retreat will be back in 2013.From 7th to 13th September 2013 there will be a knitting retreat on the island of Tanera Mor off the west coast of Scotland.   You can find all the details and costs here.Spaces are VERY limited, and to qualify for a  […]

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Wednesday, November 21 2012

Back home and back to work

My flight home from Perth was remarkably uneventful, and on both of the long legs I had a spare seat next to me, so there was a bit of space to spread out which was great.  It is amazing how much just that extra bit of space on a flight can make.It has taken a couple of days to stop feeling  […]

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Saturday, November 17 2012

Almost time to pack my bags again

This evening I head back to Scotland.  I have had a wonderful time in Australia with my family and of course I'll be so sad to leave, but I'm heading home which is always welcome.  I know there will be Stevan, 2 dogs and 5 hens that will be pleased to have me home.Yesterday Sheena and I took a  […]

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Friday, November 16 2012

G'day from WA

I'm in Perth at the moment, spending a few days with my sister Sheena.We've had a great time walking, talking, eating (I've discovered that I'm rather partial to lemon curd and pistachio muffins!  If anyone has a recipe ...... please let me know) and whale spotting.Our first walk involved Bob,  […]

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Monday, November 5 2012

Wish you were here - an Australian postcard

I'm thoroughly enjoying my break in Australia, and we've been pretty busy!  Last week we spent a few days in Kingscliff, a lovely little town in the north of New South Wales, very close to the Queensland border.  Although on the surface it is a sleepy little place:it is very pretty, and a popular  […]

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