October 2012 (12)

Sunday, October 28 2012

On being a Great Aunt

Hello from Australia.  After a long, long, but smooth flight I've landed in Brisbane and am enjoying being thoroughly spoilt by my Mum and Dad.   I've also been trying to get to know the local wildlife.  This is one of the many common bearded dragons which are to be found wondering around the  […]

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Wednesday, October 24 2012

New scenery

Yesterday it was glorious in Assynt again, so we went for a walk.  I wore my newly finished Warriston, but in fact it was too warm to wear it for too long.  I absolutely love this sweater.  It is everything you want in a winter sweater - cosy, beautifully constructed and it has pockets!  It is  […]

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Tuesday, October 23 2012

Because you can never have too many pictures of a whole new person

[caption id="attachment_5771" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Payton - aged just a few hours[/caption]

Monday, October 22 2012

The newest family member

Welcome to the world, Payton Walkinshaw.  You have timed your arrival perfectly for my visit later this week!  Congratulations Tim and Mel.Here is a very proud Nana, Father and Peyton:And here is the proud Pops: 

Sunday, October 21 2012

Home again .... briefly!

 Glasgow School of Yarn is over for another year.  Once again it was a lovely, friendly and fun event.  I'm sorry - I was extremely lax in taking photographs ... mind you I had a good excuse - it was pretty busy!  So the above photograph was taken before the event opened to the public.  But it was  […]

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Thursday, October 18 2012

The Lighthouse, Glasgow

What a wonderful event today, organised by Glasgow University.  But first ... let me back up a bit.  I left home yesterday in glorious sunshine.  Mungo was packed to the gunnels:Leaving the Assynt hills behind us, we obviously left the good weather too, as before too long we were driving through  […]

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Sunday, October 14 2012

More Autumn Colour

We took the opportunity to soak up a bit more autumn colour today.  For some reason the colours really have been spectacular this year.At this time of year, most walks are accompanied by the sound of the rut.  The noise the stags make is unmissable and unforgettable.   The noise echoes through the  […]

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Saturday, October 13 2012

Autumnal Walks

At this time of year you need to be prepared to grab your chance for a walk when the weather is good.  Fortunately we're in a position to do that, as if there is a dry spell during the day we can both sneak off with the dogs for a quick walk without feeling guilty about leaving work undone, as we  […]

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Wednesday, October 10 2012

A Sticky Yarn Club

I know, I know, sticky yarn isn't ideal, but bear with me.I'm very excited to tell you about a collaboration between Ripples Crafts and No 98 Limited.  I met Rebecca, from No. 98, at Woolfest, and afterwards she contacted me wondering if I'd be interested in providing yarn for her Sticky Yarn Club.  […]

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Sunday, October 7 2012

An Autumnal Week

We had a lovely week with our friends, Neil and Gilly.  Although walking was a little curtailed for Gilly, we took advantage of a wonderful facility in Assynt, the All Abilities Path, which was ideal for Gilly who wanted to do some walking but not on rough ground.  The All Abilities network of paths  […]

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Thursday, October 4 2012


And here is why:There are some wonderful stallholders going to be there including, of course, myself.  Dorothy Stewart will be sharing my stand and is already on her way to Inverness with a car full of beautiful woven items - ideal for special Christmas gifts!

Wednesday, October 3 2012

Good Friends

It has been a bit quiet on the blog in recent days as we've been busy with our good friends, Neil and Gilly, who are on a grand tour of Scotland - you can follow their adventures on Gilly's blog.There is obviously something about forthcoming visits to us that causes folk to break bones!  A couple of  […]

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