August 2012 (8)

Friday, August 31 2012

Upcoming Exciting Event

I'm mentioning this now as I will be away for a couple of weeks in September, and it is happening in little over a month, so you may want to make plans to visit Inverness on Saturday 6th October 2012.I am very excited about this event.  There are some really exciting stallholders, and you can see  […]

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Wednesday, August 29 2012

An unashamedly yarny post

This week I received 2 lovely emails.  The first was from a good friend, and one whose company we are looking forward to in the near future.  I sent her some fleece a while back which she took on holiday with her, and she spun it by hand using her spindle and then created this scarf:I love it.   […]

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Sunday, August 26 2012

Sunday Walks

We really have had an amazing summer up here in the western highlands.  Last week we were still having temperatures in the low to mid 20's and walks were kept short and close to water so that we could all dip our toes in for some cooling relief:Today we took a longer stroll through the hills,  […]

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Thursday, August 23 2012

A special time of year

At this time of year the hills smell like honey.  Heather Honey.  It is a wonderful smell and one not easily forgotten.  The heather in the hills around Assynt are a myriad of colours ranging from pure white to deep, deep purple.It is impossible not to get coated in the pollen from the heather as  […]

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Saturday, August 18 2012

Small Rewards

It has been a week of paperwork at Lockhart Towers.  I have a busy few months ahead so I decided that I really needed to get up to date with everything and also try and get in our tax returns well ahead of schedule as I always feel they are hanging over me while they remain undone.  By Friday  […]

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Tuesday, August 14 2012

So eggciting! (sorry - couldn't resist)

Yesterday we had the first eggs from our new hens.  This one was from Emma, one of the Bluebells, and it is tiny compared to the monsters which Esmarelda gives us:Rona's egg weighs 37g.  Esmarelda's .... 87g!  And the knitpro needle tip is there to give you context with regards size.  We were  […]

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Sunday, August 12 2012

Visiting Friends, Old and New

It has been a busy couple of days, with visitors, Assynt Games Day and the opportunity to revisit old haunts.Friday was Assynt Games Day.  I've not been able to go for a few years as I've either been working in the Tourist Office or I've been away at shows.  So it was delightful to be here this year  […]

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Monday, August 6 2012

Assynt Skies and New Neighbours

We have new neighbours: I love the auburn one - she was a real poser:We've had some amazing skies over the last few weeks.  We are very fortunate to have wide expanses of sky here, and sometimes they put on quite a show.  Here are just a few snaps from the last few days: