July 2012 (8)

Saturday, July 28 2012

Coming along nicely

The "girls" are getting braver every day and venturing further and further from the safety of the hen house (or under Mungo which is a favourite safety spot).  Today they made it to what we grandly call "the orchard" where they started experimenting in the skill of scratching.   […]

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Thursday, July 26 2012

Here come the girls!

Those of you who have followed this blog will remember how much excitement accompanied the arrival of our first batch of 3 hens nearly 3 years ago.  Esmarelda, Hagitha and Bertha were the first hens we'd ever had and they were excellent hens![caption id="attachment_5518"  […]

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Sunday, July 22 2012

RNLI Brave Lads and Lasses

Earlier in the year you may remember that I decided that I would dye a particular colourway called "Brave Lads and Lasses" in recognition of the incredible work done by our local RNLI station in Lochinver.  The RNLI is manned entirely by volunteers and receives no state funding, relying  […]

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Thursday, July 19 2012

The Assynt Druid?

Stevan had been asked to take a photograph of the Druid's Cave on the Clachtoll Peat Road so as today was forecast to be the best day of the week weatherwise we donned our walking boots, packed sandwiches and tea, and set off.   On our way to Lexies Loch we had to pass a deer store which, despite  […]

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Sunday, July 15 2012

Sunday Walks

June was an incredibly busy month, and as a result Sunday Walks went on to the backburner for a few weeks.  But today we ignored the gathering black clouds above Clachtoll and set off for a Sunday Walk.   We took our usual, favourite route which means we climb very quickly and before long we're out  […]

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Saturday, July 14 2012

Two Things .....

Firstly, I've updated the shop this evening with some Silk/Merino 4ply yarn.  This is one of the yarn sthat was used to make Terpsichore Street, designed by Rosemary Hill.  My personal favourite in the batch I've put up is this one:I should remind you that anything marked as Assynt Jewels cannot be  […]

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Friday, July 13 2012

Ponderings on Yarn Support

It isn't often that I use the blog for thoughts on the knitting world, but I hope you won't mind too much if I do so today.  A few days back, a question was raised on Twitter which got me thinking about one particular aspect. From time to time dyers get asked if they will offer "yarn  […]

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Monday, July 2 2012

And all I ask is a tall ship ....

One of the delights of living so close to the sea is that we get to see all sorts of things passing by.  But today's sighting was rather beautiful:There was quite a heat haze which created her rather ghostly appearance.  She is the Statsraad Lehmkuhl, a 3 masted barque, destination Bergen.  Some  […]

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