May 2012 (11)

Friday, May 25 2012

Hot, hot, hot

As I mentioned in my last post, we have been experiencing really, really hot weather.  When I looked this morning at about 8.30 the outdoor thermometer was showing 30 degrees, although this was in direct sun.  Working in the workshop was hard work.  Not only were there hot pots and burners going  […]

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Back in the days when Stevan was working in the IT industry, he liked to build up relationships with suppliers which would be long lasting and  beneficial to both parties.  I've tried to continue his good example in the associations I've built up within Ripples Crafts too.  And back in what would  […]

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Thursday, May 24 2012

I'm very fortunate

As my business has grown and got busier, the time I have to sit, relaxed, and knitting, has decreased.  I by no means resent this, as I love what I do, but it does mean that getting samples together for show stands can be tricky.  And this is where I am so fortunate. [caption  […]

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Sunday, May 20 2012

More colour

You'll most probably know by now that I try to gather a lot of my inspiration for colours from the landscape around Assynt.  This month I had a happy coming together of finding a new dye colour and having the wild violets bloom at the same time.   You may remember the difficulty I had photographing  […]

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Saturday, May 19 2012

Colour Choices

One of the questions I get asked most often at shows when helping folk pick yarn for a multi-colour project is "which colours do you think go together?"  I find it awfully difficult to advise, as I know what colours I love together, but I'm reluctant to press my opinion on to others.  But  […]

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Friday, May 18 2012

The Knitting World

I love knitting - but then I guess you knew that.Recently I picked up a link on Twitter from Natalie at The Yarn Yard which increased my appreciation of knitting and knitters by showing how smart knitters are.   Knitting is often looked down upon as a hobby which folk with nothing better to do, do,  […]

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Friday, May 11 2012

On the road again!

Just popping in to say I'll be away for a couple of days.  I'm taking all the Ripples Crafts yarn to Perth Racecourse today to Scotland's Knitting Only Show which is held on Saturday from 10.00am to 4.00pm.  If you're in the neighbourhood, pop in and say hello.  It is one of my favourite shows as it  […]

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Tuesday, May 8 2012


Back in January when I launched a new yarn base called Na Dannsairean I had a strong feeling that it would be popular, and it has proved to be so.  I also knew what I wanted to knit with it as soon as I saw it dyed up.[caption id="attachment_5268" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Sunday, May 6 2012

Is it really May?

The calendar says it is May, and judging by the number of new lambs arriving each day I'm pretty sure it is May, but if it is May then what on earth is it doing snowing?   We set off for our Sunday Walk today in brilliant sunshine, but no sooner were we close to Lexie's Loch admiring the snow on the  […]

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Thursday, May 3 2012


As you may know, I run a number of yarn clubs in the Ripples Crafts shop.  Well, every month when I send out the club yarns I send them out with a certain amount of trepidation, as I'm never entirely sure how the colours will be received, although I always try to remember that the point of joining a  […]

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Tuesday, May 1 2012

Wonderwool 2012

We are finally home from a very long, wet, windy, cold trip to Wonderwool in Wales.  We are thrilled to be home, but we did have a good time, despite Wales doing its best to compete with Scotland for the worst weather award.After dropping Peggy and Lexie off with our good friends in Edinburgh, we  […]

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