April 2012 (5)

Monday, April 23 2012


This is just a very quick post to show you a lovely project that has been completed by a skilled knitter, Sheena,  who fell in love with my relatively new yarn, Na Dannsairean, which is a 4ply yarn, 85% bluefaced leicester and 15% donegal nep.[caption id="" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Sunday, April 22 2012

The Ripple Effect

Many of my regular readers will know the story behind the name Ripples Crafts, but for those who don't it was as a description of the ripples that I had so often seen appear within the crafting community - especially when someone in the community needed some help.  More often than not the ripples  […]

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Wednesday, April 18 2012

Time away

Sorry to have been so absent from the blog for the last week or so.  I have a good excuse though ... I've been on my travels.  This time last Wednesday I was just settling down to a lovely evening with my friend Liz, and her husband Roger, chatting over the plans for the forthcoming shows in  […]

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Tuesday, April 10 2012

Strange cars and not so strange places

There is a strange car on the drive:and it is packed full of woolly goodness:I'll be off on my travels tomorrow morning, but Stevan will be staying behind keeping an eye on the shop site, along with the hens and dogs.

Saturday, April 7 2012

Coming up for a quick breath

It has been a hectic couple of weeks, getting ready for the Trunk Show at A Fine Yarn in Darlington next Friday and Saturday, 13th and 14th April, after which I head straight to the Rheged Centre in Penrith for the World of Wool event taking place there.  I have been dyeing, drying, twisting,  […]

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