March 2012 (10)

Saturday, March 31 2012

Highland Colour

It has been a week for amazing colours this past week.  The week began with beautiful warm, sunny weather, and the evening sunsets were spectacular.  Stevan took this stunning photograph.  You can even see the Pleiades in the top left of the photograph.[caption id="attachment_5189"  […]

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Tuesday, March 27 2012

Royal Mail versus Knitters

Running a small business is never easy, and I am always trying my best to keep costs to an absolute minimum.  I have always been very transparent when it comes to postal charges, and these have always been charged at cost.  I have not added an additional charge for the packaging as I have built the  […]

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Monday, March 26 2012

Slightly Swamped

Sorry for being so quiet over the last few days - I've been a little swamped.  April brings the start of the round of shows on Friday 6th in Lochinver and they continue throughout April, May and June, with barely a break.  Come July I don't think Stevan will recognise me.The last few days here have  […]

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Saturday, March 17 2012

Difficult to Choose

BBC Radio Scotland's Out of Doors programme are currently running a series about "My Favourite Place" and they are asking listeners to submit a piece of writing describing their favourite place.  It got me wondering which place I'd choose as my favourite place, and it would be very  […]

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Friday, March 16 2012

More Merry Dancers and another Gift

I'm afraid not a lot has been done in the dye shed this week, partly because I've spent a lot of time assessing what I have in stock and what I still need to dye for the shows that are beginning to loom large, and partly because I've been under the weather and have not felt up to spending hours in  […]

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Saturday, March 10 2012

A dangerous shade

A few of you have asked how to buy A Dangerous Shade as mentioned in a blog entry recently.Well, I have put it up on the website and it is currently available in 100% silk laceweight and bluefaced leicester/nylon 4ply.   I hope you like it, despite my inadequacies when it comes to photographing  […]

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Thursday, March 8 2012

Postal Surprises

It has been a wonderful week for postal surprises.The first postal surprise wasn't really a surprise in that I knew it was coming, but I still had a wonderful time ripping open the parcel to have a look.  My sister in Australia had knitted me another Venomous Tentacula to contrast with the one which  […]

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Tuesday, March 6 2012

A perfect likeness

One of the things I spend so much time over is photographs for the website.  I find it very hard and at times extremely frustrating.  I tend not to adjust colours at all, but I sometimes adjust the white balance to make the background a little less intrusive.  And despite the care I take, you can  […]

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Monday, March 5 2012

Hello Spring 2012

Today it really feels as though spring has arrived for 2012.The daffodils are swelling beautifully and very nearly to burst into cheery patches of yellow and green:If you look very carefully at the hedge around the garden you will find tiny flashes of soft green appearing:My favourite garden flower,  […]

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Sunday, March 4 2012


I am sorry to have been so quiet over the last week - it has just been a tad busy around the dyeshed.I have been dyeing up a storm with the new yarn bases in preparation for shows which begin in April.  I've been updating the shop all week with bits and pieces, and it has been disappearing quickly  […]

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