December 2011 (10)

Saturday, December 31 2011

Looking Back / Looking Forward

2011 has been quite a year for Stevan and I and for my whole family for many and varied reasons.There were shows:[caption id="attachment_4825" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Perth - Scotland's Knitting Only Show 2011"][/caption][caption  […]

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Monday, December 26 2011

Christmas Gifts

Should keep them busy for a day or two.

Sunday, December 25 2011

Christmas 2011

We tend to spend our Christmas in a quiet way.  And in the last few years an essential part of our Christmas day has been having a walk in the hills.  However this Christmas the weather has beaten us.  With warnings of gusts up to 80 mph we thought that walking up high in the hills was probably not  […]

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Saturday, December 24 2011

A musical interlude

The week running up to Christmas is always a busy one for most folk.  There are presents to wrap, food to buy, and people to see.  Furthermore, in places such as Assynt, you run the risk of hibernating for winter and not seeing many folk at all, but fortunately events are organised which get you out  […]

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Friday, December 23 2011

A bit of knitting and a new yarn

I have tried knitting with pure silk in the past, but never been that satisfied either with the result or the knitting experience.  I have always found the yarn too slippery and have not enjoyed working with a yarn with so little "give" - a bit like working with pure cotton - it can be  […]

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Friday, December 16 2011

What a difference a few miles makes!

Yesterday we had a glorious day at Lockhart Towers.  Dry, crisp and sunny - ideal winter weather!  The dogs and I thoroughly enjoyed our walk up into the hills when I was trying to escape my paperwork and here is how the weather looked for us:Stevan, on the other hand, was at an outdoor event about  […]

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Thursday, December 15 2011

In need of a change of scene

For the last few days all I have seen are bank statements, paypal invoices, expenses spreadsheets and the computer.  It is the time of year that I do my tax returns.  Stevan's is wonderfully simple and straightforward .... mine is a little more complex.So this afternoon, after lunch, I decided that  […]

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Tuesday, December 6 2011

What a difference a few hours make

Sunday afternoon:Monday morning!:I think it is safe to say winter has arrived.  And that black cloud ..... it really did look that black and angry and it was snow laden.

Sunday, December 4 2011

Winter Walks

Given the cold temperatures and the icy winds that are currently blasting Assynt, there can be no doubt that autumn has passed and winter is here.  There is snow sprinkled on the tops of Quinag, Suilven and Canisp and the biting wind makes walking and talking hard.  On today's walk there was no  […]

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Thursday, December 1 2011

Popcorn and videos

Some time back you may remember that I was whittering on about being terribly nervous as I had been asked to be interviewed on video.  Well .... the video is now live.  When I set up Ripples Crafts I had (and still have) great moral support from my Business Gateway advisor, David Knight. So when  […]

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