November 2011 (10)

Friday, November 25 2011

Christmas already?

The weather has turned wild in Assynt - but early this morning I was up and off to Lochinver to get the rather cold looking (and feeling!) village hall ready for the Christmas Made in Assynt Fair:Slowly folk started to arrive to set up their stalls:and before too long the tables were laden with all  […]

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Sunday, November 20 2011

An idea for those stuck for gift ideas

One thing that Stevan knows for sure is that I would almost always be happy with a gift of yarn.  But he simply would not have a clue where to start in buying me a yarny gift.  The very thought of choosing and deciding would leave him quivering in the corner.  And it struck me that he is probably  […]

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Wednesday, November 16 2011

Obviously I was not alone

 Given that all the spaces on the first retreat being planned for next September on Tanera Mor sold out within 24 hours, it is obvious that I'm not alone in my desire to have some time out!So, I am thrilled to announce that Lizzi (from Tanera Mor) and I have agreed to organise a second retreat on  […]

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Tuesday, November 15 2011


Do you remember this fungus which I asked you about?:Well, it seems like I made quite a discovery!  Here is the report back which I had today from our local plants expert, Ian Evans, to whom I had given a sample to see if he could arrange to have it identified:Helen John Blunt was most interested to  […]

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Monday, November 14 2011

My Goodness!

It seems that quite a few of you loved my idea of having a little retreat!  So much so that the first Tanera Mor retreat is oversubscribed.Lizzie, from Tanera Mor, and I have been chatting, and we're working on organising a second retreat next year, so don't give up hope if you didn't get into the  […]

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Sunday, November 13 2011

Assynt Weekends

In the days when we were both in "normal" jobs, and we were tied to offices from 9 to 5 (or more often from 8 to 6 in the case of Stevan) most days of the week, weekends were important breaks from the pressures and routine of working.  Now, weekends do not represent the freedom from work  […]

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Friday, November 11 2011


For the last couple of years I've had an idea growing at the back of my mind.  Wouldn't it be lovely if I could organise an event where like minded folk go somewhere beautiful, wild, and away from the everyday concerns that crowd into our thoughts and sit and enjoy our individual crafts and skills.  […]

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Sunday, November 6 2011

An old favourite

Lexie's Loch has been mentioned so many times on this blog - with good cause.  It is my favourite.  It was probably the first loch which we found when staying in this area on holiday more than 15 years ago.  Today the dogs and I paid another visit to this loch, approaching it by a little glen which  […]

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Saturday, November 5 2011

November Mysteries

Celebrating the failure of Guy Fawkes to blow up the houses of parliament by burning his effigy has always been a bit of a mystery to me, but I have never failed to be thrilled by watching fireworks.  My earliest memory of fireworks are the ones that my aunt and uncle used to arrange for us in their  […]

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Thursday, November 3 2011


Although we live very close to the sea, and although we often see seals popping their heads up through the water in Lochinver bay, we rarely see seals on the shore.  So it was a real treat today, when driving down to Inverness, to see these seals alongside the bridge which spans the Cromarty Firth.I  […]

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