This week I have 60kg of yarn arriving. I need to make some space! So to that end all the silk/merino laceweight yarn is currently discounted on the website. You can find it HERE. Enjoy!
August 2011 (9)
Thursday, August 25 2011
Summer Comes to Assynt
Thursday, August 25 2011. Scotland

If I'm entirely honest, it hasn't been the best summer that Assynt has ever experienced. It hasn't been awful, but just a bit ....... bleh! But this morning summer arrived. Bright blue skies, sunny and warm, and, the true sign of summer, midges.While working on my shed on the club yarn for next […]
Friday, August 19 2011
Play Time
Friday, August 19 2011. Lace Club

I know, I know, I should be tied to the dye pots, but I can't resist playing with my new camera. So apologies in advance for a picture-heavy post.Can you tell what it is yet?:Yes, you got it, the inside of a sunflower:My favourite flower in the garden:Miss August:Promise of fruits to come:Some BFL […]
Thursday, August 18 2011
Family Album
Thursday, August 18 2011. Garden

Thanks for the pictures, Uncle Bob.
Monday, August 15 2011
Something old, something new
Monday, August 15 2011. Dogs

A couple of weeks ago we had a minor disaster. My beloved and trusty Panasonic Lumix bridge camera took a dip in the sea. And believe it or not, sea water and cameras don't mix. I was pretty heartbroken, as that camera had been a trusty companion for some years and had been all over the place […]
Sunday, August 14 2011
Sunday, August 14 2011. Archeology

I've been on my travels again. This time to Edinburgh, to the Weavers, Spinners and Dyers summer school market place which took place at Queen Margaret's University. It was a busy few days! Although we were a little tucked away from public eyes, the venue was a lovely one. The staff were great, […]
Monday, August 8 2011
Yet another club
Monday, August 8 2011. Archeology

Due to popular demand, I have introduced a Mini Skein yarn club. Actually it is a Mini Yarn cake Club.This one is slightly different in that there will also be a one month option. You can find further details in the shop.I am busy getting ready for Edinburgh this week, so it may go a little quiet. […]
Sunday, August 7 2011
Clubs are here again!
Sunday, August 7 2011. Archeology
I have re-opened the yarn clubs. There are now 12 clubs to choose from. The clubs range in length from 3 to 6 months, and I have tried to have something for everyone. So there is the standard, reliable sock yarn club, and I have introduced a Falkland Merino high twist sock yarn club, then the […]
Thursday, August 4 2011
Mungo plays his part
Thursday, August 4 2011. Archeology

One of the reasons my birthday present had not reached its final home was there was a rather large rock in the way, and as neither Stevan or I knew we would have the strength to move it, we decided Mungo would have to take the strain. So while I was doing a shift at the local tourist office today, […]