July 2011 (7)

Friday, July 29 2011

Early Presents

For those of you who have read this blog for a few years, you will know that Stevan and I have a history of early presents.  We simply can't keep secrets, and so if a gift is purchased and is in the house then it is impossible for us to hide it, or not tell each other what the present is.  And this  […]

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Thursday, July 21 2011

Why I love my job

There are lots of reasons why I love my job.  In fact I don't really consider it a job.  The well known South African author, Lawrence Green, had a book called "A decent fellow doesn't work", the basis of which was if you enjoy what you're doing it doesn't really feel like work.  And that  […]

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Sunday, July 17 2011

All quiet on the northern front

Life has been a little quiet since returning from Inverness, mainly because the lurgy has hit Tigh-na-Lockhart.  I came back to a sick Stevan, and for the first time in we don't know how long he has been put on antibiotics.  I can't remember the last time either of us had to have them.When I got  […]

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Tuesday, July 12 2011

Back where I belong

After a really interesting 4 days at Inverness airport, I'm back where I belong.  I have to say I now see airports in a completely different light, having watched how they operate.  A HUGE thank you to the staff and management at Inverness Airport and HIA for hosting the Highland makers that were  […]

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Monday, July 11 2011


There is nothing like an animal for companionship when you're far from home.  Meet Milo:I suspect he'd be a match for Peggy in terms of taking up bed space if ever they were in the same house!

Friday, July 8 2011

I feel a novel emerging

As you know, I'm at Inverness Airport for the duration of the Scottish Golf Open, which is taking place at Castle Stuart just about a mile away from the airport.  I got in at 7.30 this morning to set up, which always takes me ages!  The HIA authorities have very generously given several makers from  […]

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Wednesday, July 6 2011

New Delights

I am always looking at different yarns or fibres to dye for your delight, and today I put 3 new items up in the shop.  Up first ..... 100% shetland fibre:Each braid contains approximately 200g of fibre.  Most braids are closer to 210g.  I don't dye much fibre, but from time to time I enjoy dyeing  […]

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