June 2011 (11)

Thursday, June 30 2011

Obviously I don't know how to do R&R!

For a woman who is supposed to have been having a bit of R&R I've been rather busy plotting and planning!   But all in a good cause.  I am thrilled to announce that I have been asked by Inverness Airport to have a stand at the airport for the duration of the Scottish Barclay Open Golf tournament  […]

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Wednesday, June 29 2011

Happy in the Hills

I've been having a relatively quiet few days.  I've been dyeing club yarn, and testing new dyes, and making some exciting plans for an event next week (more of that soon!).But part of the R&R regime has been a good, long walk in the hills.  Peggy enjoyed it:The foxgloves are looking glorious!   […]

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Monday, June 27 2011

I hope you don't mind .....

But I'm going to take a couple of days off for a little bit of R&R:But before I go, just a very quick reminder that the next ....Made in Assynt fair takes place this Friday in Lochinver village hall from 10.00am to 4.00pm.

Saturday, June 25 2011

Build Up

I always find building the stand one of the trickiest things about attending a show.  I love meeting the people who come to my stand, that really isn't a hard job - but creating the stand and making it look inviting and enticing is something I find very hard.  (can you hear the violins playing?!)So  […]

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Wednesday, June 22 2011

Home for a few days

After a long, tiring, 10 hour drive, Mungo, Stella and I arrived at our home for the next few days.Not a bad view either!:It is lovely to be back at Mosser Howe.Tomorrow is set up day for Woolfest.  And my good friend, Liz, will be joining us at Mosser Howe tomorrow too after which I'm sure much  […]

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Monday, June 20 2011

If you could see me now!

I am in the final, panic-ridden stages of preparing for Woolfest at the end of this week.  Will I have enough yarn.  Do I have the right balance and mix of colours?  Do I have the right mix of bases?  Will I have room in Mungo for everything I want to take?  Will people come?  Will they like my  […]

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Tuesday, June 14 2011

A summer walk

Katrina and Ian have been enjoying the surrounding countryside which is completely different to where they live in Florida.  We took advantage of a sunny day today to walk along the cliffs between Clachtoll and Stoer beaches.  From the house we made our way to Clachtoll beach, stopping only to  […]

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Friday, June 10 2011

Chained to the dyepots

I feel like I've been neglecting my blog a little of late, but to be honest I've not really been doing much that would be of much interest to readers!  I've really been in my shed, dyeing yarn.  Which I love ...... but which makes for boring reading.So ..... if you'd like a good read, get yourself a  […]

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Tuesday, June 7 2011

Home again! But not for long

Gardening Scotland was a lot of fun, and very busy! I met some lovely people, and saw some amazing things.Either side of me I had two lovely stallholders. To my right was an incredibly talented bag maker:Labeliss doesn't have a website yet, but keep your eyes on this label.  These bags are  […]

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Friday, June 3 2011

Gardening Scotland 2011

This will be a very brief entry as I'm very tired, but here's a snapshot of Gardening Scotland so far.Arrival and car unpacked:and finally (after much fiddling and faddling) a finished stand:It was a lovely day today, meeting customers old and new, including a lovely lady who brought me a shawl she  […]

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Wednesday, June 1 2011

Shop News

Just popping in here to say that I've amended the price of the greetings cards to include P&P.   I was having trouble getting the correct postage price for the cards, and the P&P was too much, so I have decided to include P&P in the price shown.   I don't want to make any profit from the  […]

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