March 2011 (18)

Sunday, March 27 2011

Sunday Walks

Walks have been a little curtailed this weekend.  But we got out for short strolls.  Lexie seems to have a sixth sense about when a walk isn't going to be a long one, and she lingers in some of her favourite spots[caption id="attachment_4108" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Saturday, March 26 2011


I am cautiously optimistic that spring has arrived.

Friday, March 25 2011

A bit of sea air

When I was growing up, I remember feeling rather poorly one day, and it was a day that we were due to have an outing to the beach (I still remember - it was Bloubergstrand).  My parents debated the pro's and con's of cancelling the outing, and in the end it was decided that a bit of sea air would  […]

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Wednesday, March 23 2011

New Zealand Earthquake Appeal

You will remember that, at the beginning of March, I began a fundraiser raising money for the NZ earthquake appeal.  Well, as things turned out, raising the money was the easy bit.  Getting it to New Zealand so that my friend's bank (ANZ) could double the amount raised before it went to the Red  […]

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Monday, March 21 2011

It's dry and ready to find new homes

[caption id="attachment_4077" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Lipstick"][/caption][caption id="attachment_4078" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Summer Sunshine"][/caption][caption  […]

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Saturday, March 19 2011

A small preview

Those of you who are in my Ravelry Group will have seen these photographs, but I thought I'd just give you a little preview of some lovely new yarn which I will be stocking in the shop.  This is a high twist Falkland Merino 4 ply yarn.  It takes dye beautifully, and I'm very excited by this new  […]

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Little balls of Fluff

Today we took a trip across to the East Coast, as there was a small fibre fest being held in Dornoch.  While there were some extremely tempting things, the one thing that tempted me most of all was this:Angora Rabbits - a whole basket full of them:I think these were one of the softest, cuddliest  […]

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Wednesday, March 16 2011

Sure Signs

Despite the snow which is still to be seen on the hills there are a few sure signs that spring will arrive eventually.

Monday, March 14 2011

Everbody pitches in

I think it is fairly safe to say that Stevan and I are the world's worst gardeners.  We really like the idea of gardening, and having fresh vegetables directly from the garden, but in reality ....... well let us just say that the only thing we succeed in growing are rhubarb (which grows on its own  […]

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Sunday, March 13 2011

I've finally done it!

After a few nudges from a couple of folk I've finally got around to setting up a Ravelry group for Ripples Crafts.  Please come and join us!   If you are a Ravelry member you can find us here.

Friday, March 11 2011

Mixed thoughts

One can't help but be shocked and horrified at the scale of devastation which has hit Japan today.  It makes one feel totally helpless looking at the photographs and listening to the radio.  I can't imagine devastation on such a huge scale.  I have seen, first hand, the damage that flood water can  […]

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Thursday, March 10 2011

Winter is not quite done with us yet.

That white line across the sea is snow.  It is very cold!

Wednesday, March 9 2011

Shop Updated

The shop has been updated with laceweights.  There is more drying at the moment, and will be added later this week.There is also a new category - the Bourach Basket.  Bourach is the Scots word for a bit of a mess.  In this basket you'll find hanks of yarn that misbehaved during the dyeing process,  […]

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Monday, March 7 2011

Back to Work!

After a relaxing couple of days in Edinburgh it was back to the dye pots this morning.  I have a lot of dyeing to do, as I have a number of opportunities to meet customers old and new this year, beginning in April when I will be in Darlington at A Fine Yarn (no website at present - it's being  […]

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Saturday, March 5 2011

Happy Feet

I've got very happy feet right now.  I've finished a pair of socks using Ripples Crafts Assynt Tweed, and even if I say so myself I have to say I love the colour, I love the finished effect, I love the fleck in the final fabric, and I just love these socks.  They fit perfectly!  I know I'm gushing,  […]

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Thursday, March 3 2011

Time Out

I'm having a couple of days off, so I just wanted to let you know that although there was a slight delay all the club yarns are in the post, most of the awards from the fundraiser are posted, and any orders that come in over the weekend will go out on Monday morning - I hope you don't mind the  […]

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Wednesday, March 2 2011

And the award goes to .......

Well I wish I could give an award to everyone who donated both gifts and money, as we have raised a staggering £1155.33.  243 donations were made, and Paypal charges amounted to £59.67.   ANZ Bank ( will double this amount, and once I have the final NZ$ total from Jill I will let you  […]

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Tuesday, March 1 2011

A Long Week

It is a week since the devastating earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.  My thoughts continue to be with all those affected by this event.The fundraiser will close in a couple of hours after which I will tally up and let you know just how much has been raised through the generosity of everyone  […]

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