February 2011 (20)

Monday, February 28 2011

Just 24 hours to go

There are just 24 hours left to make your donation to the NZ earthquake appeal if you've not already done so.  We have raised a staggering amount and are only about £58 short of having raised £1000.00.  Thank you everyone who has donated so far.  And thank you, too, for all the comments that have  […]

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Sunday, February 27 2011

Sunday Walk and Fundraiser update

Today was another lovely, sunny day in Assynt, so as soon as the morning chores were done we set off for the hills again.  We were a bit too busy striding out today to stop and take photographs, except for one.  No matter how much we have enjoyed ourselves on our walk I love coming over the ridge  […]

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Saturday, February 26 2011

Sunny Days

I apologise in advance for the picture heavy post, but the blog has been lacking somewhat in photographs this week, but for a very good cause - there are still a couple of days left for you to make a donation to the fundraising effort being made for the victims of the NZ Earthquake this week.  Jill  […]

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Friday, February 25 2011

Total Update

I am thrilled to advise that I have written confirmation from Paypal that I can, in the meantime, continue taking donations using paypal.  They are doing one more check, but until the result of their checks I have their permission to continue.  So thank you Paypal :-)The total at the moment is a  […]

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Thursday, February 24 2011

Donations Update

It has been bought to my attention that paypal may have an issue with our fundraising in this way.  Until I can clarify this situation donations can only accepted by sterling cheque.   Should you wish to contribute please e-mail me with the amount you'd like to contribute, and then post a cheque.   […]

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Total after 24 hours and more prizes added

I opened my computer, bleary eyed this morning, cup of coffee in hand, plate of cheerio's in the other (what can I say, I needed a sugar boost).  And I was just blown away.  Order after order loaded up in my inbox, and when I totalled up the number of tickets sold so far and the amount taken after  […]

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Wednesday, February 23 2011

What a day!

Last evening when I came home and saw Jill's beautiful shawl and the idea of raising money for those suffering in New Zealand began to grow in my head, little did I know how just how big that idea would grow and how generous people would be.  The prize pot is now up to 10 wonderful gifts, and as at  […]

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New Zealand Earthquake Fundraiser

Following on from my post yesterday, the consensus was that I should hold a raffle in order to raise funds for the victims of the NZ Earthquake.Jill, who knitted the shawl that will  form the main prize, works for a bank in NZ and the bank has organised a scheme whereby staff who donate money  […]

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Tuesday, February 22 2011

It's a tough job!

But somebody has to do it.Today started with an early wake up call at 5.30am, a quick cup of coffee and check of e-mails before heading off to Inverness in Mungo.  I drove down on my own today, leaving Stevan behind in peace and quiet for the day. It really wouldn't have been his type of fun today,  […]

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Sunday, February 20 2011

How it looks

Sometimes you see dyed yarn and you wonder how it will look knitted up.  Well, I can't knit up every single colourway I dye, and to a certain extent how knitted samples look depends on the knitter's tension, how many stitches are used etc etc, but I couldn't resist starting a pair of socks in the  […]

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Saturday, February 19 2011

Some Fresh Air

After being stuck indoors all morning we headed for the beach for some lovely fresh air as soon as we could.  With it being full moon at the moment the tides are at their most extreme, so we caught the beach at low tide in order to give the dogs a good run.  The air was extremely fresh!  But it was  […]

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Thursday, February 17 2011

The soothing songs of burns

While Rabbie Burns may be the one most famous for songs in Scotland, we are very fortunate to have a singing burn out the front of our house.  There is nothing quite like lying in bed in the morning listening to the babbling outside the window.  It is very restful.There are 3 small drops in the  […]

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Tuesday, February 15 2011

Dyeing, Knitting, and a bit of Admiring the View

Dyeing: The Fibre is up in the shop. I'm really enjoying the fibre dyeing again.  I've had a bit of a break from it, but with encouragement from someone who's opinion I value and who very kindly said she loved my dyed fibre, I decided to get back into it.   So there it is.  I hope you like it.  At  […]

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Sunday, February 13 2011

All in a spin

Well despite the lusciousness of the fibre I showed you yesterday, I'm afraid that when I got out my spinning wheel it was another coil of fibre which called me:[caption id="attachment_3875" align="aligncenter" width="419" caption="Be my  […]

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Saturday, February 12 2011

Fibre Fiend

I'd forgotten just how much fun it is to dye fibre.  I've been trying to get back into it and I'm enjoying myself!Now I need to dust off the spinning wheel and see how it spins up.

Thursday, February 10 2011

Well you could have knocked me down with a feather!

Following on from my posting over a week ago now about my great disappointment at not getting a stand at Woolfest this year, I had just been coming to terms with it all and had begun to look forward to going as a visitor when something unexpected occurred.  I received a phone call to say that a  […]

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Wednesday, February 9 2011


Finally!  Cobblestone is complete.  I can't remember when I started this, but I think it was over the Christmas period as I had intended it for infrontoftellyeasyknitting knitting.  And it was easy knitting, but I had not accounted for how awfully boring it is doing garter stitch in the round.  And  […]

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Sunday, February 6 2011

Sunday Walks

After a hectic week throughout with stormy weather has prevailed, we took the opportunity with a break in the weather to step out for fresh air this morning.  We're very fortunate in that we step out of our house and in to the hills.  We don't have to drive anywhere to "go for a walk", and  […]

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Saturday, February 5 2011

Stormy Week

It has been a fairly storm week here, and the weather was fairly stormy too!  The weather took a turn for the worse on Thursday afternoon, when the noise in my workshop got to the point that I fled indoors for warmth and shelter.   As it got darker and darker, the lightning and thunder began to  […]

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Thursday, February 3 2011

A Friend indeed!

These beautiful flowers arrived yesterday from a friend who I know would be horrified if I mentioned her by name.  But you know who you are ...... THANK YOU!  They have brightened up the day completely!We're battening down the hatches tonight.  We are in the midst of a severe gale and there are all  […]

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