January 2011 (17)

Monday, January 31 2011

Carry On Knitting

Cobblestone is nearly complete (I just have to sew up one underarm) and requires washing before I get Stevan to model it for you.  And this time it is long enough!And although I had Juneberry Triangle on the needles demanding my attention I needed something cheerful that would distract me over  […]

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Sunday, January 30 2011

Thank You!

I have been overwhelmed by the ripples of kindness, support and concern that have been sent my way over the last 24 hours.  Thank you to everyone who has phoned, left comments, PM'd me on Ravelry, e-mailed me and DM'd me on Twitter.   All your kind messages have made me feel so much better about  […]

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Saturday, January 29 2011

Not sure what to say ....

It wasn't the brightest of starts to the weekend this morning.  I had an email to say that I had not been allocated a stand at Woolfest 2011.   I'm pretty devastated by the news, because I so much enjoy Woolfest and meeting folk.  I really can't  express my disappointment at not being allocated a  […]

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Tuesday, January 25 2011

Burns Night 2011

We have a slightly non-traditional approach to Haggis.   For a start I add carrot to my neaps, but probably the biggest deviation is that we add a South African tweak ..... Mrs Balls Chutney!  Sorry Rabbie, but it is delicious.

Sunday, January 23 2011

Sunday Walks

It has been a little dull and grey over the last few days, but today the sun came out, and so we sadly put off the housework (!) and set off for a walk.   The late afternoon light meant that Lexie's Loch was looking beautiful and Stevan and the dogs decided that a paddle would be a good idea:Stevan  […]

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Saturday, January 22 2011

The uses of a Land Rover

Given our location and the extreme weather conditions which we occasionally experience we make good use of our Land Rover, Mungo.  He is now 10 years old, but is still a delight to drive.  But besides ferrying us around from place to place, he also has other uses.  He regularly acts as shelter for  […]

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Thursday, January 20 2011

A bit of luxury

Everybody needs a bit of luxury.   So I am thrilled to announce that the next Luxury Yarn Club is now open for membership applications.  Details can be found here, but basically you can take membership for 3 or 6 months, (did I mention the 3 month clubs had had a reprieve?), and the wool for the  […]

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Wednesday, January 19 2011

When a Yorkie sleeps

Sometimes Peggy sleeps so deeply she forgets about her tongue.

Monday, January 17 2011

The Ripple Effect

[caption id="attachment_3774" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="The Ripple Effect"][/caption]Only 15 more days of The Ripple Effect project.  For more information read this entry.

Sunday, January 16 2011

Sunday Walks

We were doubtful that we would get a Sunday Walk today, as we've had very stormy weather over the last 24 hours.  We were treated to an incredible thunder and lightning storm yesterday evening with rain that soaked you in seconds.  The poor hens were looking very miserable, so I tried to ease their  […]

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Saturday, January 15 2011

Shop News (of a sort)

I have been receiving feedback from customers in the USA and Canada that parcels that were sent before Christmas have still not arrived.I do apologise for this, but it would seem that there is an issue with parcels entering the USA.  To quote from the Royal Mail website:"Since November 2010,  […]

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Friday, January 14 2011

Busy Week!

It's been a bit of a busy week.  But I'm looking forward to the weekend.  Between tax returns, dyeing, posting, dyeing a bit more, there really hasn't been much relaxation time.  But I've managed to get quite a bit more up in the shop, and once it is dried and photographed there will be some  […]

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Wednesday, January 12 2011

Going Tweedy

I have updated the shop with more tweed, seeing as the last lot went so quickly!  I have added a few new colours, which I hope you like.  In some of the colours there are jumper quantities available.I wanted to give you fair warning of the fact that next week I will have to revise the Free Postage  […]

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Sunday, January 9 2011

Sunday Winter Walk

This morning dawned bright and sunny, so we took advantage of the weather and set off for a Sunday Walk.  The heavy snow from the last couple of days has begun to melt, but there was evidence from previous walks in the snow:Lexie and Peggy were thrilled to be out in the hills again and while Lexie  […]

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Saturday, January 8 2011

Assynt Tweed now available

Assynt Tweed is now available in the shop.   It was disappearing off the shelf as I was uploading photographs and updating the site, so I suspect it may be popular.Assynt TweedI will also be adding another new range later today - a 4ply bluefaced leicester/silk/cashmere blend which has a lovely  […]

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Thursday, January 6 2011

Childishly Excited!

At around 1.30 this afternoon there was the welcome sight of the AJG Delivery van bringing me a delivery of yarn.  I have been anxiously waiting for this delivery for the last couple of days, and I immediately ripped open the box to haul out and soak a new addition to the Ripples Crafts range of  […]

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Wednesday, January 5 2011

Winter Skylines

The sky in Assynt is usually guaranteed to be wonderful, but in winter it seems especially amazing.  It is always different, and when out walking it changes constantly.   The dogs and I managed to get out today, but we had to dodge heavy showers that came in waves throughout the day.Immediately  […]

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